Sketch Uncategorized Watercolour

Fotografiska museet

It was such a beautiful day yesterday, I just had to go out and sketch. I will paint this in a large format sometime this autumn.
Saunders Waterford 300g 19×20 fine grain


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David Meldrum watercolor Watercolour

Paimpol harbour area

This was my last day in France, the next day I would be making the long journey home to Sweden, a 13 hour trip by rail and air. The day was hot and the sky was a clear blue. I have dicovered through experience that blue skies are generally very boring when it comes to watercolour. It’s much more interesting having rain clouds on the horizon. So I was a little nervous with the painting, I knew it had great potential – I just had to find the right balance. I am happy enough with the result, I would like it to be more loose in style and will probably have another attempt at it here in the studio in the coming months. I will add some human figures to the composition too I think.
Painted on the 26th of August. 41 x 31 cm Arches rough, 300g

The first watercolour wash
Paimpol harbour area, the first wash
Plein air kit
One of my plein air set ups
Photo of the Paimpol harbour area
Photo of the Paimpol harbour area