figure drawing Sketch Watercolour

Watercolour practice

This is part of my ongoing effort to become better at painting people, be it portraits or just urban scenes like this one.
I bought a new camera recently, it has a mega-zoom capability (Nikon Coolpix P1000). So far I feel a bit like a voyeur but I guess I’ll get used to taking pictures of people without them knowing it after a few months of practice. It’s all about practice, that’s how you become a good artist or a skilled voyeur.
I painted this sketch on an Arches paper block, 31 x 23 cm – rough.

Click the thumbnail belong for a full-sized image.

Watercolour Practice
Watercolour Practice
Portrait Watercolour

Watercolour portrait fun

Yes, I am having fun practising my portraits, the reason for this is I can see a large improvement every time I paint a new one. I have been using portrait images downloaded from Sktchy App (iPhone) which is great for artists and self-obsessed  selfie users who want a free portrait of themselves.

Painted on Saunders Waterford 26 x 36 cm

Click image below for full-sized watercolour.

Goggles by Meldrum Art
Goggles by Meldrum Art



I can’t do a portrait every day

I would love to just paint portraits everyday until I felt I had mastered them but there is always something that gets in the way. It’s not good to be so manic either, I can always try to be better at several things at the same time. My progress may not be as fast but at least I’ll be having more fun.

The model for this watercolour portrait was once again from Sktchy App.

If you would like to see a larger version please click the thumbnail below.

meldrum art portrait
meldrum art portrait
Sketch Watercolour

Life drawing

I am enjoying my return to figure painting. I have been using charcoal for ages but not anymore, at least until I crave a change, … which happens quite often. The poses here are 2-5 minutes long, the drawing has to be quick as you can imagine. I paint as much as I can, no time to be fussy -that is why it’s so much fun!


Portrait practice continues

I don’t know how long I can keep this up? I want to paint a portrait every day for the foreseeable future so that I can improve in this area. The only problem is there are other projects that need to be taken care of too. I can juggle pretty good but dealing with my new art career is tricky.

I am happy enough with this portrait, I like the nose – that’s enough for me to like the painting. See, I am not too demanding on myself! I spent too much time fiddling with the shading so it’s not perfect but I know I will improve each time I do a portrait and that’s incentive enough for me.

Painted on Suanders Waterford CP 26 x 36 cm.

Click the image below if you would like to see the full- sized painting.

Portrait practice
Portrait practice


Uncategorized Watercolour

Life without a sailing boat

I have been trying really hard not to paint sail boats for a while now, it’s hard – I just love to paint them. The reason I am avoiding them is so that I can develop as a watercolour artist by painting other things that I am not used to and find difficult. Portraits are difficult, the one that’s featured here doesn’t resemble the original model very well. I wasn’t trying too get a perfect likeness, my goal is to master painting skin and building the facial form, I think creating a likeness will improve as I practice.

The model reference by the way was downloaded from the iPhone only Sktchy app. Why it’s only iPhone users who can use this service I do not know.
Click the thumbnail below to see the full-sized image

Portrait by Meldrum Art
Portrait by Meldrum Art

A winter watercolour of Grönalund in Stockholm


Gröna lund, Stockholm
Gröna lund, Stockholm

The winter months before Christmas are so dark here in Stockholm. The clouds tend to get tired and seem to rest on the ground. It is nearly always grey in November.

I originally sketched this scene with Stockholm Urban Sketchers in August, I really liked it so I decided to paint a large version of it now. I was of course influenced by the time of year I was in.


Click the thumbnail below to see the full-sized image

November light. Grönalund in winter
November light. Grönalund in winter



The final painting of the O-Torii Gate

This is the final watercolour I will be painting from my experiences in Japan earlier this year. I suspect I will be visiting again soon as my son lives there and I miss him so. I look forward to finding more inspirational scenes to paint on my next visit.
If you haven’t already seen my latest YouTube video ( I paint the O-Torii Gate ) here is a link to it:
Click the thumbnail below to see the full-sized image

O-Torri Gate, Mijayima, Japan
O-Torri Gate, Mijayima, Japan

Nice memories of Plubazlanec in Brittany

I painted this watercolour of the beach that is front of my mother-in-law’s house in Ploubazlanec. I found a nice photo on my phone from my holidays in France earlier in the year and it inspired me to paint the scene.
I only have happy memories from my visits there.

Click the image below for full-sized image.

meldrumart- ploubazlanec brittany
meldrumart-ploubazlanec brittany