Sketch Watercolour

The good day continued …

I painted this watercolour at the Maritime Museum in the afternoon with my Urban Sketchers buddies here in Stockholm.

Click the thumbnail below for full-sized image.

Maritime Museum - Meldrum Art
Maritime Museum – Meldrum Art
Sketch Watercolour

Watercolours from my trip home from Ireland

I had an 11 hour journey home to Stockholm from Bangor, Northern Ireland so it was important to have something do. Luckily I had a good book (The Book Thief) and my watercolour sketching kit with me.

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A winter watercolour of Grönalund in Stockholm


Gröna lund, Stockholm
Gröna lund, Stockholm

The winter months before Christmas are so dark here in Stockholm. The clouds tend to get tired and seem to rest on the ground. It is nearly always grey in November.

I originally sketched this scene with Stockholm Urban Sketchers in August, I really liked it so I decided to paint a large version of it now. I was of course influenced by the time of year I was in.


Click the thumbnail below to see the full-sized image

November light. Grönalund in winter
November light. Grönalund in winter



Working with values

Even though this composition is relatively simple the placement of the Stockholm town hall is very important to the success of the watercolour, it’s the rule of thirds. The tonal values are even more important as the sky wouldn’t pop if the building and bridge had a lighter tone.
Personally I am on a little crusade to improve my understanding of tonal values, I enjoyed painting this scene.

Click image below for full sized photo.

Stadshuset / Town hall
Stadshuset / Town hall


My Life Drawing

Life drawing bliss

Yes, it was so nice to go to somebody else’s life  drawing class yesterday evening. Since I’ve been running my own class I have not really been relaxed enough to draw with any real commitment.
So last night I could get my fingers dirty with charcoal dust and have a ball!
Most sketches were completed in 5 minutes on A3 paper.

David Meldrum Watercolour

Watercolour of Stockholm – Storkyrkan

It is hard to paint urban scenes I think. I wrestle with keeping the watercolour alive and fresh. I need straight lines because houses are built of them, but they are also my enemy. Too straight and I loose my battle.
This was a good fight, I nearly lost it a couple of times but in the end I am happy with the result.

Title: Storkyrkan (The Big Church)
Size: 26 x 36 cm

Click the image below for full-sized version.

Storkyrkan akvarell


I was playing with contrasts today, in the end I was quite happy with the way it turned out. More urban paintings on the way I feel.

See full sized image here:

Stockholm by Meldrum
Stockholm by Meldrum
figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Sketch

No life drawing classes this week.

Hi, to anyone who attends my life drawing evenings at Dieselverkstaden.
This Friday there will be no life drawing class due to Alla helgons dag (All Saints Day). The next “Meldrum Kroki will be on the 9th of November. Welcome!


At least it’s not a sailing boat

Yes, it’s not a sailing boat but one of the old ferries that work everyday here in Stockholm. I love painting water and sky, I will never stop painting them but I can be brave and take a break from sailing boats for a while, a good while.
My plan is to start painting people more. I bought a new camera with a super zoom lens so that I can capture people doing their things. I was out cycling around town today taking lots of photos. I felt a bit like a voyeur but I’m sure I’ll get used to street photography after a few tries.

Click image below for full sized image.

Djurgårdsfärjan vid Stadshuset
Djurgårdsfärjan vid Stadshuset