Hello, I visited Gålö a few weeks back and painted in sometimes challenging circumstances which demanded drastic action. I don’t how many watercolour artists use a blow torch to dry their work but I do, when it’s just not going to dry.
All in all it was a fun day, I just love painting outdoors.
Tag: Stockholm
Urban watercolour confession

I basically have to admit that this watercolour or any other urban – watercolour that I have done has been difficult for me. I feel I am just learning the ropes, a total beginner but of course I have been painting these scenes for years. So I struggle and each time I learn something new. I am rarely happy with the end result but I am trying really hard to be kinder to myself. It is important to enjoy oneself after all.
This painting is a continuation of studies of Kungsgatan, a main street here in central Stockholm. 36 x 26 cm
Become a Patron!Urban Escape

I have a favourite spot in Stockholm at the moment, it’s the corner of Sveavägen and kungsgatan. I am using my own photographs as reference but very soon I will be out in the streets painting plein air for real. After my trip to Spain recently made me realise that this is what I want to do most.
The Crossing 26 x 36 cm
Painted on Saunders Waterford Rough 300g
If you live in Stockholm maybe my second workshop on the 25th of May will interest you. I will be showing how I paint urban streets and giving hands on tuition to my students. Visit here for more information. https://www.meldrum.se/meldrum-art-akvarell-kurser/mala-stockholm-2019-05-25/

I am finding this street scene a real challenge. I am enjoying it though, I basically have to paint kungsgatan several more times before I can be fully happy. This isn’t a bad watercolour, I just want to do it better. I guess that’s the artist’s curse, never totally content – always trying be better.
For Sale: €350
Title: Kungsgatan
Technical information: Painted on the backside of Saunders Waterford Rough. 26 x 36 cm. I use W&N, Holbien and Daniel Smith paints.

I enjoyed painting this street scene of Sibyllegatan here in Stockholm – I seem to be on a bit of a roll. It’s wonderful when you feel that you have taken a step up in your development. This is how I feel right now. I believe I have a better vision of what I want to achieve and how to get there.
Last week I took a lot of photos of Stockholm in strong spring sunlight . I think it’s fun just walking around and trying to find a great composition.
Technical information: Painted on the backside of Saunders Waterford Rough. 26 x 36 cm. I use W&N, Holbien and Daniel Smith paints.

Like I said in the previous post, it is so nice to be painting again. My focus this week is capturing light in urban settings.
For Sale: €400
Title: Birger Jarlsgatan
Technical information: Painted on the backside of Saunders Waterford Rough. 26 x 36 cm. I use W&N, Holbien and Daniel Smith paints.

After weeks of illness it is so nice to be watercolouring again. I was very frustrated not being well enough to paint but I am recovering and I feel a lot better now.
I am very focused on improving myself these days so I throw myself into areas that are uncomfortable. Zones like portrait painting and urban scenes, I also feel I can improve a lot in the painting light. This what I am focused on this week.

I was very happy to have one of my paintings excepted into the annual National Watercolour Exhibition at the Edsvik Art Gallery. The watercolour is entitled, Västan – which is the name of the Stockholm ferry featured.
It’s interesting for me as this watercolour is two years old and as I am still developing as an artist it is very much from my past. It has a strong composition which is good but my technical skills have improved a lot since 2017. Another interesting fact is that this painting was exhibited at The Salamanca ECWS exhibition of 2017. I was so proud that I was chosen to represent Sweden in this European watercolour event.
Just practising

I am getting better at just sketching for fun. I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself to improve which is good but at the same time I know it’s not recommended to be deadly serious all the time. So, yesterday I had some fun. It’s fun having fun. Sounds like I am trying to persuade myself that relaxing is a good thing.
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