watercolor Watercolour

Lunchtime watercolour

I’m not sure what people at work think of me when I paint during my lunch break. I hope my bosses don’t mind, I mean it is my lunchtime which is my time, right?  No one has told me to stop, so I guess I shouldn’t worry about it.

This watercolour which is a painting of Strandvägen in central Stockholm was painted during lunch and then finished in the evening. I am happy with it, the boat reflection is amaturish but everything else is loose and free, there is energy. Once again, when I work quickly the result is more successful than when I work slowly, I think painting with one’s instinct is key.

Titel: Strandvägen
Paper: 31 x 23 Arches rough

Watercolour of Strandvägen

< Click this image if you want to see the full size original.

Stockholm Stockholm Town Hall watercolor Watercolour

The town hall revisited

Ok, so I’m getting better at posting on my blog! … At least that is the way it feels. I’ll try my best to be this good all year long if I can. I feel good when I publish a drawing or a watercolour online, it means that the project is finished and it is time to move on to the next one.
This watercolour is from a photograph I took during the summer months, I’m pleased with it, some more contrasts maybe but I’m fine with it. It looks better in reality, it is so hard to capture a watercolour with an iPhone when it has subtle shades.
Title: The view from Central Bridge, 37 x 26 cm

Click the thumbnail below to see the watercolour in a larger format.

The view from Central bridge
The view from Central bridge




Stockholm town hall

Painted on Fabriano paper, 37 x 26 cm.