I think this watercolour sketch represents my feelings pretty good. It’s March and summer is coming.
Tag: Sketch
Crazy to think it was so cold just a short time ago. Most of the snow has melted now. I long to get out and start sketching for real. Soon, very soon.
Svindersviken 18 x 13 cm
It is interestesting how people who used to be new friends are now old friends.
I have been life drawing since 2011 and along the way I have got to know many new people who share a love of trying to capture what they see in front of them. We would meet for coffee after each life drawing session and show our sketches and voice our frustrations at being so clumsy or just down-right awful. We all supported each other, never a bad word was said – just lots of positive vibes that have lead to the forming of great friendships.
The pandemic has affected our life drawing classes and we have not met so often this year which meant it was wonderful when we actually did meet last weekend. It was a grey day at Waldermarsudde but it didn’t matter to us, and besides, we had the promise of waffles afterwards at the café with outdoor heaters to keep the chill of autumn away.
I didn’t really care what I was going to sketch that day, I just sat close to the others. I sit alone and paint most days so no need to do that when the point was to socialise. I am happy with my sketch. In the background there is an old windmill without it’s sails. In the foreground is the statue of Carl Wilhelm Scheele by Carl Milles. My watercolour didn’t want to dry in the humidity of fall but luckily I had my blowtorch with me. It turns heads but I get the job done. It was a good day.
Please click the thumbnail below if you would like to see the full-sized image, 13 x 17 cm
Last weekend I met my life drawing friends. We’ve known each other for years so it has been tough not meeting them due to the pandemic. It was incredibly nice to meet finally, we sketched a little, I chose to paint the Vasa museum, a must see if you ever visit Stockholm. The high point of yesterday was not the sketching really but the coffee afterwards and the hours of happy chatting with the autumn sometimes reminding us it was on it’s way. Later in the evening I finished the sketch. I am experimenting more, it’s a lot of fun. 13 x 17.5 cm
If you would like to see my latest video click this link: https://youtu.be/h00hf9xXV7o
Sketching watercolours while cruising Ep23
Click the thumbnail below to see the original full-sized image.
I was in my studio at home when workmen started drilling into the outer wall of the apartment. After 15 minutes of painful noise I gave up grabbed my sketch bag and jumped into the van. It was grey and wet but I told myself to go to the local waterfront (Nacka Strand) to paint a watercolour sketch. A plain white ferry contrasted wonderfully against the greyness of the sky and sea. This was enough to inspire me and I am happy with the result – a simple composition that captured the day pretty well. 13 x 17.5 cm
If you would like to see my latest video click this link: Sketching watercolours while cruising Ep23
Click the thumbnail below to see a full sized image of the featured watercolour.
This is Liljeholmen, an industrial area that had it’s better days many, many years ago. Fun to sketch, charming even. 17.5 x 13 cm
Click the Thumbnail below if you would like to see the full sized image.
Sheltering in the outer archipelago
I have good memories from my time in the outer Stockholm archipelago. This watercolour sketch is a bit scratchy but I think it caught the feeling of us sheltering from bad weather pretty well at Sadelöga. I will most likely develop this into a studio painting later in the year.
17.5 x 13 cm
Click the thumbnail below for the full sized image.
A late evening sketch
A late evening sketch from the boat on Nämdö, Skärvassa. I use my gas heat gun to dry the watercolour. It’s been a cool July so far. It means the archipelago isn’t as crowded as I thought it would be, that’s a plus. 13 x 17.5cm
Click the thumbnail below to see the full sized image.
View from Kvarnholmen
I just published a video of me painting this view from Kvarnholmen, click here to see it. I simplified the watercolour composition a lot and I really like it. It takes a lot of experience to start seeing what is a good composition and what is not. Believe me, I have made a lot of bad compositions in the past to get to this stage in my development as an artist.
Click the thumbnail below to see the full sized image.