figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch

Saturday’s life drawing

Not much to say, it wasn’t my best day but that is life. One just has to make sure one has more ups than downs.

figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Nudes Sketch

Monday’s life drawing

I had the same model (Roza) as I had on the Saturday, different venue and more time for each pose. My paper was A4 and the grain of it was different from what I am used too so it took a few bad drawings to get used to it. I don’t think A4 is big enough to express good lines and expression.

figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Saturday’s life drawing

Every Saturday we get 1, 2 and 3 minutes to sketch. I get through a lot of paper and energy during those 2 hours. We get a few 5 minutes too but they are few. I like drawing at speed, it becomes more instinctive when one doesn’t have time to think.
The venue was Basis here in Stockholm, the model’s name is Roza and my paper was A3 in size.

figure drawing Life drawing My Life Drawing

Saturday’s life drawing

The teacher who runs the life drawing on Saturday’s at Basis, Stockholm likes to push us to our sketching limits with lots of one and two minutes poses. It’s funny how after sketching lots of one minute poses two minutes then feels like a long time. Three minutes feels like an eternity.

figure drawing My Life Drawing

Monday’a life drawing

I was in good form this evening, I think it was because I was drawing and painting all day before hand so I was already in the groove.

David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting Nude watercolor Watercolour

Life drawing again

My first life drawing since the spring and I decided to use my watercolours. I used cheap Canson watercolour paper, I hate it compared to Arches or Fabriano but it’s just too expensive to waste a block of quality paper during a life drawing session. I used Koo i noor woodless watercolour sticks for the first time, I really liked them so I’ll be using them a lot in future. Each of these watercolours took five minutes to complete, at that speed one cannot hesitate – a quick line sketch of the figure and then paint as much as you can in the remaining time before the pose ends. It’s stressful for sure but I find it exhilarating.