figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch

Busy busy busy

I’ve been really busy lately which is a positive thing but it means I find it hard to publish my art. I was at Konstnärshuset yesterday but these are not those sketches because these are from the week before! I think the model’s name is Dennis but I’m not 100 about that. He’s very good, definitely one of my favourite male-models.

Sketched on A3 paper using charcoal pencil and charcoal dust that I apply with my finger.

figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes

Life drawing at Mäster Olafsgården

I have been busy so I am only publishing these life drawings now, one week later almost. I realise that sketching is a mental game, if one is tired or simply not inspired one has to overcome and perform well anyway. I guess you would call it having a professional approach. Actually, when one is able to lift oneself above uninspired gloom it is very rewarding indeed.

figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes

Interesting people

I think most people I meet are interesting but some stand out a bit more than others. Sofie, last weeks model at Meldrum Kroki is a good example of this. She is an excellent life drawing model and has very feminine poses in her repertoire so I was surprised that she fixes roofs around town during the day. There isn’t an English word for what she does (Plåtslagare), most of the roofs in Stockholm have metal or copper roofs so you could say she is a metalworker.

Sketched on Canson Recylé A4 paper with 2B and 9B grafite.


figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes

Meldrum Kroki

I started having life drawing evenings in my living room last October. It has gone very well, both the artists and the models are happy with the arrangement.
The only negative is that I have to empty my living room and cover the floor with protective waxed paper. It takes too many hours for me to set it up and then dismantle. I would not mind if I have more people attending each week but this is impossible as my living room is full, there is no space.

This is why I am now looking for a large room in central Stockholm that I can use for life drawing on a Thursday evening. I need a room for 4 hours between 18.00 and 22.00 each Thursday.
If you know of such a room, please do get in touch. Click here to contact me or visit the contact page. Thank you.

figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch

Meldrum Kroki evening

The second Meldrum Kroki session this year and the 11th in total. It is starting to become more of a routine and less stressful. It was a very enjoyable evening with model Elena who was just great!
One thing that need to be improved though:
I need a larger room, I must rent somewhere in central Stockholm. There is so much work involved in having the life drawing at home, the most time consuming bit is covering the wooden floors with protective paper. It is incredibly cosy though, everyone is very happy to come to my home.

Sketched on A3 paper with graphite  pencils


figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch

This year’s s first life drawing

Yes, so nice to be life drawing again after the Christmas break.
I took myself to Konstnärshuset Tuesday. The model, Elena was excellent as always. The lighting is so good at this venue, having a good model too is very inspiring.
My Life drawing (Meldrum Kroki) started last night (Thursday). It’s proving very popular, my living room was totally full of enthusiastic sketchers. The model, Kinda was great, everyone was delighted with her. I will publish some drawings in the next few days. That’s that, now I’m off to lunch in town. I’m going to treat myself to my favourite Sushi restaurant, Ichiban.


figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch

Life drawing at Mäster Olafsgården

I enjoy having my own life drawing sessions but I don’t draw as much as I’d like to because of all the responsibilities – this is why I still go to life drawing whenever I can. Monday evening in the old town is a good place to be if you are suffering from life drawing abstinence.

figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch

The last Life drawing session at home for this year.

I had 9 life drawing sessions in my living room since October, it feels quite normal these days and I think it has been a fantastic success. The models have enjoyed the atmosphere.  My life drawing friends are happy too, they had no problem taking the short bus ride to the Finnberget. The music was enjoyed and the coffee was just right, the lighting was a big plus – everyone appreciated that.

I have been so busy mentally with my work these last few weeks, it hasn’t been fun – breaking up is never easy. Next year there will be big changes and so I will have lots of time for art which makes me so incredibly happy. More about that later in the month.

Meldrum Kroki  starts again on the 11th of January 2018 🙂


figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch Watercolour

I prefer using coal

It was nice to use coal last night at Master Olafsgården. I mentioned in my last post that I don’t use coal during my own Meldrum Kroki sessions as I have to serve coffee and biscuits during the break. So it was nice getting my hands dirty last night. The model (Derlyflow) was quite eccentric but at the same time interesting to draw. She has many YouTube clips, here is one.

Sketched on A3 paper with a coal pencil and coal dust applied by my finger.