akvarell Sketch watercolor Watercolour

A visit to the Mediterranean

I had a fun evening during the weekend meeting up with an old friend. We went sketching at the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities here in Stockholm. That’s the “Medelhavsmuseet” in Swedish.

I sketched the only bust in the place that didn’t have a broken nose. He wasn’t a very happy. He was a bit intimidating to be honest.

Later, we had a curry and a few beers. A great night.

akvarell watercolor Watercolour

Live portrait painting

I tried my hand at live portrait painting last week. It was very challenging as I am not used to painting a long pose. The model wasn’t very happy, honestly! But he did have two eyes. I seem to have lost one of his eyeballs. Sorry about that Mr. Model!
Thank you Farigh Ghaderi Art Studio! 🙂

Click the thumbnail below if you would like to see the larger image.

watercolor Watercolour

The sailing season begins soon.

Yeap, they say, paint what you love. I’m really looking forward to the summer season. I want to camp and sail. To paint plein air from morning till night. To be in the archipelago. To enjoy the constant light.

Click this thumbnail for a large image.
Nude watercolor Watercolour

I am painting a lot of nudes at the moment

Why a sudden interest in painting nudes David? I guess it’s because it’s where I’m at at the moment. I am running my life drawing classes and I feel inspired because it is now and in the present. Landscapes have to wait, it’s too cold outside and I find little inspiration from my reference photos. I would love to paint outdoors even when it’s minus degrees but I’m not 100% fit so it’s not a good idea right now, the long winters here don’t agree with me. So it’s nudes at the moment. I hope you don’t mind.

To view a larger image, click the thumbnail below.

Watercolour Nude
Watercolour Nude
akvarell watercolor Watercolour

This watercolour is disturbing

I am the first to admit, I made her too skinny. I like the pose and the lighting though. I should try again.

Click the thumbnail below to see a larger image.

Starved nude
Starved nude
kroki Life drawing

Life drawing will be streamed this autumn

A live streamed Meldrum Kroki will begin on the 10th of September. My actual life drawing classes are otherwise on hold until the pandemic is under control. More news on how to join my streamed life drawing classes very soon.

Meldrum Kroki startar igen torsdag den 10 september.
På grund av smittorisk kommer klasserna att enbart streamas, ingen deltagare alltså – bara streaming. Mer info om upplägget kommer snart.


Meldrum kroki is cancelled until further notice

Just a little reminder to say Meldrum Kroki, my life drawing class at Dieselverkstaden is cancelled until further notice. Please check the Dieselverkstaden calendar for future classes when the world returns to some sort of normality. Thanks. Sketch safely, love.
Calender link:

Life drawing

Life drawings from last year

Hi, here are some life drawings from my last sketchbook. The 2020 season began last week, visit my life drawing sessions if you live in Stockholm. Meldrum Kroki – Wonderful models, good lighting and great coffee. More info here.

Life drawing

My life drawing sessions start again this week

Meldrum Kroki starts again after the Christmas holiday break here in Stockholm. Here is a link to the event calendar on Dieselverkstadens’s website which is always up-to-date >> Meldrum Kroki

Meldrum kroki is every Thursday 18.30 – 20.30 except for school holidays and public days off.
Dieselverkstaden, Marcusplatsen 17, Sickla