Alexandra Becker-Black artists Watercolour

Alexandra Becker-Black

I stumbled over this site this morning while on Facebook. Alexandra Becker-Black is a watercolour artist who does very good figurative work. Visit her website here.

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing

Life drawing

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm. 20150331

It wasn’t one of my better life drawing sessions. I was feeling worn-out. Working, painting and drawing all the time, I needed a break so I did just that.
… Now I’m back and today I finished a large watercolour, it wasn’t a total success but I learned a lot working in large format ( full imperial ). At my next figure drawing session I plan to draw less pencil outlines. I want to smudge charcoal dust around the outline of the figure to give a softer more natural look. Also, it was pointed out to me that the eyes I draw are too stylised, a line and a dot basically. I will try and change this over time.

Five minute nude

Five minute nude

Five minute nude

Two minute nude
David Meldrum Lunch Sketch lunch watercolour Watercolour

Watercolour practice.

Monday, 30th of March, 2015
I didn’t know what to paint during my lunch hour, I only had a half an hour. I decided to do a bit of cloud practice.

Clouds. Fabriani HP, 24 x 18cm 20150330

David Meldrum Sketch Urban Sketchers Watercolour

A visit to the museum

A visit to the Natural History Museum in Stockholm, Sweden. 20150319

I was with the Stockholm Urban Sketchers last Sunday, we spent half a day having fun sketching all the stuffed animals. It’s kind of morbid but at least they don’t move when you’re trying to draw them. I really enjoyed it, I’ll be going back there again soon.

Moleskin watercolour sketchbook 21 x 19cm

Moleskin watercolour sketchbook 21 x 19cm

Fabriano A5 sketchbook
David Meldrum Lunch Sketch lunch watercolour Watercolour

Wednesday’s lunchtime painting

I could have been more subtle with the highlights but it was in my lunchtime rush. 45 minutes and done. 🙂

Lighthouse 17 x 12 cm, Fabriano HP 300g 20150325
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing

Tuesday’s life drawing

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm 20150324

I used A3 paper instead of my normal A4 Fabriano, I was surprised by how much easier it was to draw curved lines. The only negative was that I could not use my scanner and had to photograph instead. Besides the latter, I really enjoyed sketching the model, she was great.

5 minute sketch

5 – 10 minute sketch

5 minute sketch

5 minute sketch

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5 minute sketch

5 minute sketch

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch lunch watercolour Sketch Watercolour

Lunchtime watercolour

A little seascape completed during my lunch break.
Size: 14 x 9 cm på Fabriano HP 300g papper.
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes

Tuesday’s life drawing

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm.

I had a good evening last Tuesday. I maintained a high level (says he) for the whole session which rarely happens, if ever. ( Click on one of the images to see a larger version.)

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Five minute nude

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Five minute nude

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Five minute nude

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Ten minute nude

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Ten minute nude

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Two minute nude

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Two minute nude

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Two minute nude

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Two minute nude
David Meldrum exhibition Watercolour

My first exhibition

I was delighted to have one of my paintings accepted  for the annual watercolour exhibition at Väsby Konsthall, an art gallery that’s a short distance from Stockholm. This is my first time so it was a trill to be at the opening yesterday. One painting may be a modest start but for me it is a very important step in my development as an artist.

Yours truly …
Väsby Konsthall
Väsby Konsthall