David Meldrum Sketches Urbansketchers

Sketches from my sailing holiday in Greece.

Greece, a beautiful place with lovely people. Shame about the trouble it is in. I hope it gets better for them real soon. I spent a week sailing between Corfu and mainland Greece. I had a wonderful time.

David Meldrum Watercolour

A commission

My boss asked me to paint his summer house. I have a number of orders now, I have to admit it’s hard to paint something that has no personal value, this is a new frontier for me. Still, I was happy with the result. My boss didn’t fire me after I presented the watercolour to him! 😉

Summer house by David Meldrum
Summer house, Arches Rough paper, A3

Anders Zorn David Meldrum Pencil Sketch

Zorn inspired pencil sketch.

I am reading Anders Zorn’s self-biography at the moment. Maybe this is why I did this sketch of a nude bathing in water. The reference image I found on the internet, the model’s name is Finch Linden.

David Meldrum Watercolour

Weekend cloud practice

The scary thing about painting a nice sky is that one has to have the nerve to finish the rest of the picture.

Lone Sailor. Arches Rough 300g, 31 x 23 cm.

David Meldrum lunch watercolour Watercolour

Rather extreme lunchtime painting

Not happy with one watercolour during my lunch break I attempted three. Each was painted on different paper. I wanted to see how the pigment reacted on each. Arches rough, Fabriano fine grain and Fabriano satin. I enjoy working at speed but this was pushing it a bit! 😉

lunch watercolour

Lunchtime watercolour

I am enjoying playing around with skies at the moment.


Stockholm sketchers.

I spent a lovely Sunday afternoon with the Stockholm Urbansketchers. There were many new faces which was great. I had planed to do some watercolour sketches but I found it hard to relax and so focused on doing small pencil drawings instead. So interesting this art thing, it’s such a mind game!


Lunchtime romance

A lttle watercolour completed during the lunch break.


Morning sketch hour

Drawing is a great hobby when you have just missed a train in the morning.