dance David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing

Swedish Dance Museum drawing session

Venue: The Swedish Dance Museum, Stockholm. 20151104

This was a first for me, I’d never been to the museum before. I’ve heard for years that they sometimes have life drawing there, with dancers who move to music and stay still for a moment’s pause. When I was working full-time I never could make it as it starts too early – but now I can. I’m glad I went it was very exciting. I was surprised by how many were there to sketch, there were about fifty I’d say. I’ll be going again this week that’s for sure!

3-4 minute pose on A3 paper

4 minute pose on A3 paper

3-4 minute pose on A3 paper

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing

Wednesday life drawing

Last week I went to life drawing a lot. Wednesday was extreme. I went to two sessions, one at 13.30 and the other at 17.30. Both sessions were two hours long. To be air the second life drawing wasn’t really life drawing. I was at the Swedish Dance Museum sketching a dancer there.

Venue: Mäster Olofsgården, Old town, Stockholm 20151104

Two minute sketch, A3 paper

Two minute sketch, A3 paper

Two Minute sketch, A4 paper
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Life drawing – Tuesday

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm. 20151103

I am doing a lot of life drawing this week, it’s fun. I have two sessions from Wednesday to publish so come back soon, I’ll have more to see.

Ten minute pose on A3 paper

Five minute pose on A3 paper

Five minute pose on A3 paper

Five minute pose on A3 paper

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Sketch

Back to smudging

Venue: Mäster Olofsgården, Old town, Stockholm 20151102

I have a friend visiting Stockholm at the moment. He goes to life drawing nearly everyday when he is in town. I’m going to more sessions because of this. It’s fun, I meet new people I wouldn’t otherwise meet.
I’m back to using charcoal dust and smudging with my fingers. It like this technique, it’s fast and expressive. The only negative is that it’s pretty messy but that’s a small sacrifice for the sake of art!

Ten minute sketch

Ten  minute sketch

Ten  minute sketch

Five  minute sketch

Fifteen  minute sketch

Five  minute sketch

Five  minute sketch

Five  minute sketch

Two  minute sketch

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

LIfe drawing

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm 20151027

I have got to find a better way to photograph my work during the winter months. I have stopped drawing on A4 paper for the moment which means I can’t use my flat-bed scanner. It’s a bit depressing – the reproduction quality I have right now.

Otherwise, the life drawing session was pretty good, it was another male model, I draw females mostly so I always feel out of practice when it comes to men.

Five minute A3 pose

Ten minute pose

Ten minute pose

Five minute pose

Five minute pose

Two minute poses
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Action Bear!

The model’s real name is Lars but everyone calls him, Action Bear! He’s a body builder and an exhibitionist, he’s full of life and loves posing in impossible positions which no normal model could ever hold. The problem with Lars is that he’s a little over-ambitious and rarely holds the pose, this annoys some of my life drawing comrades but I just find it amusing. It’s difficult drawing a body builder when you have limited time, so many bumps and curves to deal with! I turned him into a comic character, that’s the way I dealt with capturing his body-form.

20 minute pose on A3 paper

10 minute pose on A3 paper

5 minute pose on A3 paper
David Meldrum Watercolour

Old horizons

I’ve painted this before, the first version was smaller and had some sailing boats for a centre of interest. I left out the boats this time, I’m happy I dared to let the composition work without eye-magnets such as people or boats. Saying that, I think the end result is a too flat and therefore lifeless, I will not go down this path again, consciously at least.
Storm and sun. Arches rough 39 x 29 cm.

Paul Klein Video youtube

Paul Klein on becoming a successful artist

I thought Paul here had good advice to offer on becoming a successful artist. I’m just starting out, having just become a half-time employee and therefore halving my income. I need a certain level of success if I want to afford visiting my son in Tokyo etc. This is why I found this video interesting, he has the experience that I have to gain, the quicker I learn the better.
David Meldrum Pencil Sketch Urbansketchers


The lone commuter in the silent station that is called, Södra Station, Stockholm , Sweden.
2b, 6b and 9b pencil sketch on 14 x 9 cm