David Meldrum Japan watercolor Watercolour

Memories from Japan

I was in Japan just after Christmas. I was visiting my son who has put down roots in Tokyo. It’s an amazing place. This watercolour was painted from a photo I took outside a bazaar in Nasukarasuyama north of Tokyo.

Arches rough 300g 50 x 32.5 cm

Japanese clay pots 50 x 32.5 cm

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Last Tuesday’s life drawing

I am having trouble finding good light to photograph my drawings at the moment. It is so grey and dark here in Stockholm these days. I hope the cold weather comes back, at least then we get clear blue skies.
The first two drawing show that I continue to experiment with lost and found areas. I wish to achieve this in my watercolours as well.

Five minute sketch on A3 paper

Two minute sketch on A3 paper

Five minute sketch on A3 paper

Three minute sketch on A3 paper

Sketch Urbansketchers urbansketching Watercolour

Urban winter sketch

I sat in my car outside the local sailing club here in the suburbs of Stockholm. The boats are out of the water for the winter, red anchor buoys are the only evidence that summer exists.

21 x 14.5 cm Clairefontaine watercolour sketchbook.
My Life Drawing

Tuesday’s life drawing

It was the first for 2016. I’m trying to be a bit more careful when I draw,  I want to improve and the only way to do that is to get out of the comfort zone.
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing

Last life drawing from 2015

I’ve been so busy,  haven’t had time to publish on my blog recently. Life has settled down again so I hope to post a lot more often now.
A3 sketch December 2015

Painting figures in Watercolour by Trevor Waugh


How to draw a portrait of the girl by pencil


Portrait Drawing by Master Artist


Jasmine Hsiao-Hui Huang