Urbansketchers Watercolour


Stockholm Urbansketchersm in Hökerängen, Stockholm.
Stockholm Urbansketchersm in Hökerängen, Stockholm.

I ordered a new phone today. Hopefully the camera is fool-proof. Here is an improved photo of last weekend’s Urbansketch.
I spent most of the day with my fellow Stockholm Urbansketchers. We sketched in Hökerängen,  an old 1940’s suburb in the south of Stockholm.


Drawing practice

I saw this picture of a very cute girl and I just had to sketch it. Drawn on Fabriano A4 paper with a 2b pencil.

A drawing of a cute girl
Cute girl
David Meldrum Watercolour

Still waters

Like this watercolour, I have been quiet these last few weeks. I’ve been busy with other things, life hasn’t put enough hours into each day. I seem to be going through a bit of a grey period. All my watercolours have a desaturated look all of a sudden. I don’t mind, it’s just a period in my life.

Sailing to Sandhamn
Sailing to Sandhamn 50 x 32 cm – Arches rough 300g W&N watercolours
artists Edward Seago youtube

Edward Seago

I found these two YouTube videos of Edward Seago’s work. Very inspiring, I need to travel more! If you would like to learn more about the artist, click here.


Lunchtime watercolour

I am trying to paint everyday,  it doesn’t matter how good it is – the most important thing is just to do it. I’ve noticed that it takes days to get to that desired unconscious painting state if one has had a break for a week or more. A painting a day keeps mediocrity away! 🙂

A watercolour of a sailing boat
Lunchtime watercolour
David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Uncategorized Watercolour

Back to lunchtime sketching

I am back at work after my two artist weeks. Trying to get back into my watercolours. I had an in forced break because of my exhibition which was a success I thought. I’ve ticked that box so now I can move on and find new challenges.

A watercolour of an archipelago scene
Archipelago scene
David Meldrum Watercolour

Sandhamn during winter

This was the last picture I framed for my exhibition. I’m not quite sure why I don’t like it as much as other recent paintings. Too dark maybe or the composition is too rigid. It will be interesting to see what visitors to the gallery think.

A watercolour of a man in Sandhamn
Sandhamn during winter. 50 x 32 cm
David Meldrum exhibition Galleri T

First solo exhibition

All my art is now framed for the opening at Galleri T this Saturday. Over 40 watercolours plus 20 figure drawings to see. Galleri T is on Österlånggatan 3, Stockholm, Sweden.

40 watercolours plus 20 figure drawings are framed and ready.
Over 40 watercolours plus 20 figure drawings are framed and ready.
John Constable Sketch

John Constable seascape sketch

I just love this seascape sketch by John Constable.

John Constable.
John Constable.