figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes

Life drawing

Just clearing my backlog here, these are from before Christmas. I’m looking forward to lots of figure drawing during 2017.


figure drawing My Life Drawing

Happy New Year!

I had to work through Christmas, no time for art. I’ve started painting again now after quite a break. It’s crazy how fast time passes by, I should wear my watch more often. To get the ball rolling again in 2017 I shall publish some life drawings that I didn’t have time to show before Christmas. I am looking forward to the coming year, I have a lot of dreams I want to fulfil.


David Meldrum exhibition

My exhibition – a small success

I am happy with my exhibition so far. The opening day is when one sells the most, like my first exhibition in April it was mostly friends who bought and I am so happy they did. Next year the challenge will be to sell to strangers outside of my circle, I have a summer show that will be a true test as I am not the organiser of the event. I’ve started painting for that exhibition already as I have lots of free time right now at my current exhibition.


David Meldrum Watercolour

my second exhibition

Six months after my first exhibition I am now having another. It starts on the 3rd of December and is at Konsthallen in the old town here in central Stockholm.
Here are the full details:
David Meldrum – Watercolours and life drawings
Saturday 3rd of December 2016, 12.00 – 18.00.
Konsthallen, Köpmanbrinken 2, Gamla Stan, Stockholm.
Exhibition continues until the 8th of December.
Opening times: Saturday to Thursday 12.00 – 18.00.

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Transsexual model

This was a first for me, I’d never sketched a transsexual model before. It was a challenge, part female – part male. I’m happy for the model, that she was proud and wanted to pose in front of strangers. It was a difficult session.


David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Tuesday’s life drawing

Rosa again. I struggled to find form, to be inspired. That’s the way it goes.


David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing

Monday’s life drawing

A young tall gymnast with cyclist thighs. He had some interesting poses, like when he stood on his head for two minutes and held perfectly still.



figure drawing kroki My Life Drawing

Saturday’s life drawing

The model’s name is Rosa, I’ve been drawing her since I began life drawing which was back in 2011. I know all her poses, her curves and every muscle on her stocky frame because I have sketched her countless times. She used to be a circus performer I have heard, she is 60 years old –  she is young for her age.

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing

Tuesday’s life drawing

I seem to be back in the swing of thing when it comes to my life drawing. I’m keeping it simple at the moment, I use a 2mm 3b and 3mm 6b mechanical pencil. No watercolouring and no charcoal to distract me from catching the pose.