akvarell watercolor Watercolour

On my way to Brittany 

I travel to Brittany, France in June with my wife and two artist friends, I’m really looking forward to it. I painted this watercolour recently from a photo I took in 2014, the old trawler is missing it’s cabin these days, storms have taken their toll. I haven’t seen the old boat for a year, I wonder how much is left.

Painted on Arches rough 300g, 2017.04.14, 36 x 26.5 cm
View larger size by clicking the image below.

Trawler in Brittany by David Meldrum
Trawler in Brittany


figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch

Falling behind a little

I’ve been busy so I’ve had no time to publish my life drawings for a while. Even worse, I don’t have time to paint – this is unbearable, I need to paint everyday to feel good inside. Unfortunately, I have to earn a living and as yet I cannot support myself with my art alone. I wonder if I can ever become a professional artist, if I can earn enough through art alone?
These life drawings were sketched at Konsnärshuset with pencil on A3 paper, the poses were 2, 5 and 10 minutes long.

A man from India contacted me a few weeks ago and asked if I could state the paper size etc. If you read this sir, I will try my best – I seem to have lost your email so this is why I am replying here.

figure drawing figure painting My Life Drawing Sketch Watercolour

Monday’s life drawing

I decided to figure paint, exciting when you only have 5 minutes or even worse, 2 minutes. Painted on Fabriano non-cotton paper, it was cheap and better than that nasty Canson paper. Cotton paper is too expensive because one uses so much during a 2 hour session.

figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch

Saturday’s life drawing

Sketches from Saturday’s life drawing. Great model with long legs and wonderful poses, I only wish I was in better form. Poses from 30 seconds – 4 minutes. A3 paper.

Sketch urbansketching

Urban sketching

I took it really easy today, I’ve been so busy during the last month – I really needed to take my foot off the gas pedal. So, the first thing I did today was go to the central station and sketched the travelers as they waited for trains.

In the afternoon I walked around the town and looked for scenes to photo and paint at a later date. I walked for 4 hours! It was a sunny day and I was hunting the light, looking for scenes that were perfect for watercolours. I found quite a few so I’m happy. Tomorrow I’ll paint in the studio at home, my feet are feeling tired. I have life drawing tonight so I’ll sleep well.

Click image below for larger version.

Stockholm Central by David Meldrum
Stockholm Central by David Meldrum


figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch

Saturday’s life drawing

I have been so busy at work and also preparing for an exhibition. Two big deadlines that are now finished with, I’m so happy to be able to relax again – post some drawings on my blog, go to life drawing and paint for fun. Freedom is heaven.
These pencil drawings are on A3 paper.


figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch Watercolour

Saturday’s life drawing 

I decided to try something different last Saturday, I used my old Chinese calligraphy pen, brand name “Hero” and I used watercolour pigment as a wash. I was pleased with the result although I think I will use my 2B pencil instead of the pen next time. The poses were 30 seconds, 1, 2 and 5 minutes long. Painted on cheap watercolour paper, Calson 200g A4.


figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Sketch

Tuesday’s life drawing

One of my favorite models, she is like a angelic fairy and quite creative in her posing. The more difficult ones I never publish, it’s very hard to capture a human knot, it doesn’t matter how beautiful it is. I wish I could remember her name, I’m so bad with names.

figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Saturday’s life drawing 

Another Saturday and another burst of 1, 2, 3 and 5 minute poses. The organiser added 30 second poses to the grinding session. He thought we were having to much time with the 1 minute ones! I can see his point though, all you can do is capture the pose, nothing else when time is so short.