Sketch Urban Sketchers Watercolour

Painting with Google Translate

Plien air painting with Daniel Luther and Pavel Pugachev earlier last week. We painted the view towards the parliament buildings here in Stockholm. It was fun meeting Pavel, he couldn’t speak much English and no Swedish, and my Russian sucks so we communicated through Google Translate. It worked most of the time!


Evening time

This is from my fantasy but I have a clear picture in my head of the beautiful evenings in the Stockholm archipelago. It’s like magic when the high pressure system is stationed above and evening comes. Waves and stress disappear and all one can do is open a beer and view with amazement until the mosquitoes remind you it’s time for bed.

Watercolour: 36 x 26 cm

I am now on Patreon!


akvarell watercolor Watercolour

Sailing weather

As I mentioned in the last post, we are having amazing weather here in Stockholm. It’s totally inspiring and all I want to do is paint and sail. So this weekend that’s what I am doing!

Watercolour 36 x 29 cm

Sketch Watercolour

Sailing and Sketching

The weather is totally amazing here in Sweden at the moment. The month of May must have been the sunniest on record. The farmers aren’t happy as it hasn’t rained for ages but city folk like me are ignorant of agricultural needs. Still, I do worry about climate change and what will happen to the planet if we don’t change our ways.


Anyway, I went sailing last weekend. I sailed by myself for the first time on the new boat, “Aquarelle” and it went well, one is always a bit nervous when it’s a first. It was a working weekend, I installed Lazy Jacks, changed the reefing ropes and added an extra solar panel. I did find time to do a few sketches. My personal challenge was to make interesting compositions out of what I could see from the cockpit of the boat. I was happy enough with these two. Tomorrow, we go out sailing again, I am so looking forward to it. Maybe I’ll have a few new sketches to show next week.


Sketch Watercolour

Not quite home.

I feel so strange in Northern Ireland, my family live here but I never did. I grew up in the south. The cultures are very different, surprisingly so because Ireland is a smallish island. So coming home is not quite coming home, my parents moved here just before the beginning of the new millennium, that was 19 years ago. Like I said, it’s a strange feeling. Anyway, where is home? It’s in Stockholm of course! So homes move – mobile homes, I like the sound of that.
To be fair Northern Ireland is a beautiful place and there is lots of great scenes to paint and sketch. Today I drove to Groomsport not far from Bangor and did a quick painting of a house that I have painted before. I have put a link to that one here. It was a lovely day, it felt nice to smell the sea air and hear the seagulls sing. Yes, I know they don’t sing very well but it was enjoyable anyway!


Click image below for full size version.

Sketch Watercolour

Too many balls in the air.

I am not so productive at the moment, I have so many balls in the air, it’s hard to focus on just one thing and do it well. So I don’t produce many watercolours at the moment, it will soon change, but right now it’s a little frustrating. What are these balls that I have in the air then?
Well, I am creating a business plan and a 5 year budget to work out how I am going to make it as an artist. One thing is for sure, I cannot make enough money just selling my watercolours. I can dream that I will one fine day but until then I need a more realistic plan. It’s very interesting really, I won’t go into detail here but one has to really think about how one will succeed in the coming years. I hope that this is all dealt with this week and I can forget about it very soon.

Another ball in the air is my recent vlogging career on YouTube, I have produced 2 episodes which you can view here. I am working on the third, It’s taking forever because I have so much I want to achieve but most of all I want it to be professional. This is aiming way too high, I only started learning to film and edit in the beginning of this year. I soon will have it published, I need to find a balance between my travels and my watercolours which I film when painting. A full length painting demo can take 90 minutes which no YouTuber no matter how bloody bored they are are going to watch. My goal is to produce a vlog every second week but right now it is taking me a month to produce. This is too slow, hopefully the process will become more streamlined with time.

Ball number 3. Well, that would be learning stuff. I am studying film editing using Adobe Premiere, it’s really enjoyable but it’s a pity there is so much to master. I bought a drone while I was in Singapore last month, I’m learning to fly it when I have the time. Stockholm is basically buildings, rocks, trees and water. There are not many open spaces to practice on, I’ve been flying it over water, a bit nerve racking to say the least. I’m getting the hang of it slowly, I hope I don’t ditch it in the sea. I want some sexy aerial shots for my YouTube films, it should be pretty cool. Just imagine following me with a birds-eye perspective as I sail out into the Stockholm archipelago or walk along the coast of Northern France.

Ball number 4. I travel a lot! I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me but honestly flying all over the place is distracting. Tonight I’m off to Ireland to spend a week with my mother, it’s her birthday so we are going to live it up for a couple of days. In June I travel to France to visit Denise, my mother-in-law. I look forward to all the trips and to be honest it is an opportunity to create more vlogs on YouTube. I love my life right now, I just need to produce more art and more videos.

Ball number 5. My brand new laptop is in for repair, it’s a HP. They’ve had it for 3 weeks and it’s going to take a few more weeks before I get it home. I asked for a new one but they said no. This is a real pain, I have a stationary computer that copes with video editing but while I am on the road I have nothing to edit with. HP are in the dog house as far as I am concerned.

I don’t like to moan and bitch so I am going to end on a more positive note. Go out and paint plein air, it’s so much fun! The weather was unusually hot here in Stockholm yesterday so I met a fellow watercolourist, Daniel Luther and we painted all morning. It was really enjoyable.



It seemed to be a name that suited. Both my wife and I are in agreement, Aquarelle is the name of our boat that we bought last summer. It was launched into the cold Baltic yesterday but the day was so sunny and perfect. A good sign for great sailing in 2018!
Info: The boat is a Sveakryssare 36 from 1975. 11.04 x 2.44m. Link to Swedish site,

Sketch Watercolour

It is so nice to sketch

Relaxed in central Stockholm last Friday. Nice to have a moment just to paint and enjoy the first days of summer. 

Saunders Waterford fine grain paper  28 x 19 cm

Meldrum watercolour
Meldrum watercolour
figure drawing My Life Drawing

Meldrum life drawing is moving!

I started Meldrum Kroki last October and it has been a great success, I have learned so much and it has been so much fun running life drawing sessions from my living room. A big thank you to all who came, the models included – everybody has contributed to making this a success.
Friday the 7th of September Meldrum Kroki starts again after the summer break at 18.30 at Dieselverkstad in Sickla, Stockholm.
You are all welcome! 😀