Portrait Watercolour

Watercolour portrait practice

I continue to practice painting watercolour portraits. Like I said before I use Sktchy App (iPhone only) for my model source.  Even though there is a lot of faults with this I am quite happy with it. It’s a journey, like everything else it takes time to become accomplised at anything and watercolour is a difficult technique so it’s gonna take a while before I can fell comfortable doing portraits. Please do not ask me to do a portrait, it would just stress me out. Ask next year maybe!  🙂
Size: 31 x 41 cm on Fabriano paper.


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Capturing light is watercolour

Capturing light in watercolour is what we all try to achieve and it’s difficult, this is why I practice all the time. I just visited the Singer Sargent exhibition at the National gallery here in Stockholm one last time, it reminds me that I have far to go before I can call myself a master.
I am enjoying painting people and portraits, I think I will continue on this path for a while.

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Autumn light in the Stockholm park of Kungsträgården
Autumn light in the Stockholm park of Kungsträgården
figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Nudes Sketch Watercolour

First Life Drawing session for this year.

My first life drawing class for this year was last night with a new attendance record. Changing from Friday to Thursday evenings is a definite plus.
I managed to do a few sketches that I later improved when I had some more time.

If you live in Stockholm and are interested in life drawing, visit the Meldrum Kroki page. English or Swedish is up to you.

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Sketch Watercolour

Watercolours from my trip home from Ireland

I had an 11 hour journey home to Stockholm from Bangor, Northern Ireland so it was important to have something do. Luckily I had a good book (The Book Thief) and my watercolour sketching kit with me.

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Uncategorized Watercolour

Life Boat watercolour sketch

I am spending a week with my elderly Mum. I find where she lives very claustrophobic, a small dark cottage in a maze of small houses that look exactly like hers. I really look forward to the afternoons when I bring her dog for a walk.
I usually drive to Donaghadee further down the coast from Bangor, it’s a nice small village with a lovely harbour complete with lighthouse, I sketched the latter many times. The open horizon outside of the harbour relaxes me and I have an enjoyable walk with Misty, the dog.
Afterwards I sit in the passenger seat and paint a watercolour sketch of something that catches my eye. Today it was the old Life Boat that was up on land and needing some love. I hope she gets it, I thought it was a beautiful boat. She was on the hard as they say, in fact she was in the car-park which made it very easy for me to sketch from my car.

Click the thumbnail below for the full-sized image.

meldrum art - life boat
meldrum art – life boat
figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Nudes

Life drawing now on Thursdays

Premiere for Meldrum Life Drawing, Thursday 10th of January 18.30 – 20.30. More information at:

Sketch Watercolour

Watercolour painting on a grey day

Yeap, it was a very grey day in Donaghadee, Northern Ireland. I walked my mother’s dog and then sat in the passenger seat of the car and painted this quick sketch of the boats that were on land for the winter.
It’s been grey since I arrived, I hope it clears soon, it’s quite depressing.
I love to be beside the sea, I like Donaghadee but I never feel at home, I’m uneasy here.

Click the thumbnail below for full-sized image.

Grey day in Donaghadee, Nothern Ireland
Grey day in Donaghadee, Nothern Ireland
Uncategorized Watercolour

watercolour people studies

I was struggling with this one until I painted the dramatic red background. Now I think it’s pretty cool.
I am having fun with the images I caught just before it got too cold here in Sweden. Having a big zoom is certainly an advantage when photographing people in the street.

Title: Walk on the wild side 36 x 26 cm
Click the thumbnail below for the full-sized image.

Walk on the wild side
Walk on the wild side


figure drawing Sketch Watercolour

Watercolour practice

This is part of my ongoing effort to become better at painting people, be it portraits or just urban scenes like this one.
I bought a new camera recently, it has a mega-zoom capability (Nikon Coolpix P1000). So far I feel a bit like a voyeur but I guess I’ll get used to taking pictures of people without them knowing it after a few months of practice. It’s all about practice, that’s how you become a good artist or a skilled voyeur.
I painted this sketch on an Arches paper block, 31 x 23 cm – rough.

Click the thumbnail belong for a full-sized image.

Watercolour Practice
Watercolour Practice