sketching Watercolour

Photographs from my visit to the Costa Brava.

It was wonderful to meet Angela Barbi while I was in Spain. I drove to Girona and spent the day there, the weather wasn’t so great but meeting Angela for lunch filled the day with sunshine anyway.
For those of you who don’t know Angela is, she organises watercolour courses with some of the best watercolour artists in the world. I can warmly recommend a week in Girona learning from a master. I spent a week in 2016 with Chien Chung-Wei.

Here are some photographs from my trip. I slept in a tent in the Moby Dick Caravan Park which is very close to the centre of Calella. I camp for two reasons, it’s cheap and I enjoy it. It also means I can afford to rent a car and zip around the Costa Brava.

Sketches Uncategorized watercolor Watercolour

Weekend watercolour sketches of Stockholm

I am continuing to experiment with light and shade. It is also interesting to try and find exciting compositions from the streets of my home town. In everyday life we stress and don’t study our environment, we should from time to time I think. There is a lot of beauty out there is we take the time to slow down a little and look around.
These watercolours are from my Saunders Waterford Sketchbook which is 28 x 38 cm

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Clocking up my ten thousand hours

I have been told that it’s going to take me 10 000 hours to master watercolour. That’s okay, I am enjoying the trip.
This is another painting of Stureplan, Stockholm.
I am exploring a lot at the moment, I wonder about form, tonal values and overall composition. I find it fascinating, a watercolour is more likely to succeed if one keeps these in mind while you paint.

Have a nice weekend!

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sketching urban sketching

What’s in my Sketch Bag?

In this video I show you the contents of my sketching bag. It amazes me how much I actually squeeze into such a small space, I don’t need everything and you don’t either. It’s best to be prepared for all eventualities though, that’s my philosophy. I hope you find this video informative.

I reveal what is inside my Sketch Bag
Sketch Sketches urban sketching watercolor Watercolour

A Sketch is so important

I am talking to myself when I say, “Sketches are so important”.
It is so easy to just be lazy and start painting directly with a photo that is in front of you. We rarely succeed when shortcuts are taken, a photo needs to be interpreted, analysed and broken down. It needs to be simplified and elements moved or removed. So this is why doing a quick sketch beforehand is so important, we discover what should be done to achieve a good watercolour.
In the perfect world I would prefer to sketch outdoors but that not possible here for a large part of the year, it’s minus degrees and windy here in Stockholm today.
Next week I travel to Costa Brava in Spain for a week of sketching. More about that in an upcoming post.

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Watercolour of Kungsgatan, Stockholm

I am finding this street scene a real challenge. I am enjoying it though, I basically have to paint kungsgatan several more times before I can be fully happy. This isn’t a bad watercolour, I just want to do it better. I guess that’s the artist’s curse, never totally content – always trying be better.

For Sale: €350

Title: Kungsgatan
Technical information: Painted on the backside of Saunders Waterford Rough. 26 x 36 cm. I use W&N, Holbien and Daniel Smith paints.

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Final painting of Stockholm street

I enjoyed painting this street scene of Sibyllegatan here in Stockholm – I seem to be on a bit of a roll. It’s wonderful when you feel that you have taken a step up in your development. This is how I feel right now. I believe I have a better vision of what I want to achieve and how to get there.
Last week I took a lot of photos of Stockholm in strong spring sunlight . I think it’s fun just walking around and trying to find a great composition.


Technical information: Painted on the backside of Saunders Waterford Rough. 26 x 36 cm. I use W&N, Holbien and Daniel Smith paints.

watercolor Watercolour

The first watercolour wash

Here is how my first watercolour wash looked like during the painting of Sibyllegatan (Sibylle Street), Stockholm
Technical information: Painted on the backside of Saunders Waterford Rough. 26 x 36 cm. I use W&N, Holbien and Daniel Smith paints.


Edsvik National Watercolour Exhibition

I attended the opening of Edsvik’s National Watercolour Exhibition last night. It was fun having one of my paintings on display. The exhibition runs until the 18th of April.