
Two days left to see my watercolours

My watercolours are on show at Rääf Gallery, Hornsgatan 32, Stockholm. Exhibition ends 25th of September 18.00.
12.00 – 18.00 Tuesday, Wednesday.


Summer, I miss you.

To be fair, we are having a beautiful week here in Stockholm, it could be summer, it feels like summer on the skin, the sun is so warm – I have to take my jacket off but I don’t put it down. No , I don’t trust this little bubble, I feel it will burst at any moment. We are heading into autumn and soon the trees will be a fantastic orange and I will suffer from SAD which I successfully deal with through light-therapy.

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Life drawing

The importance of sketching

It is so important to sketch on a regular basis, everyday if possible. I was so busy before the summer, it was quite stressed to be honest so my daily sketching habit got broken. In fact, a whole I missed a whole term of life drawing which is ironic because I run my own classes (Meldrum Kroki), it’s impossible though to sketch well when you are running a life drawing class.
So, this autumn I have promised myself not to stress as much and to sketch, sketch and sketch, …. and to watercolour too of course!
These drawings are from Tuesday evening when I attended a life drawing class at Konstnärshuset here in Stockholm.

exhibition Watercolour

An exhibition of my watercolours!

Hello and welcome,
My watercolour exhibition opens at Rääf Gallery, 11.00 Saturday 21st of September, Hornsgatan 32, Stockholm.
Exhibition ends 25th of September 18.00.
It’s kinda spontaneous this exhibition, I knew I was probably too late to book a gallery for the autumn but I checked and Gallery Rääf did have a free week in September. I said, great! I’ll take it. That was two weeks ago. If you follow this blog you know that I have been in France since then so now I have only two weeks to get the exhibition in order.
There is nothing like a tight deadline to focus the mind!

My watercolour exhibition runs from the 21 – 25th of September 2019. The opening is Saturday the 21st at 11.00.
See you there if you live in Stockholm I hope,

kroki Life drawing

Life drawing begins today

My life drawing classes at Dieselverkstaden begin again today after the summer break. Click this link for more information in Swedish or English depending on your preference.
You can also plan ahead by looking at the life drawing calendar on Dieselverkstadens website here.

demonstration Watercolour

Painting Outdoors – Watercolour Demonstration Ep.13

This watercolour demonstration was a real challenge because of frequent showers while painting. I was on the island of Björnö close to Stockholm a few weeks back and it was a wonderful day really because I learned a lot about my patience as an artist. It was also a day of discovery as I’d never been to the island before so it was fun cycling my trailer through woods and winding paths along the shore.

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watercolor Watercolour

Annual holiday in Brittany begins

I just love visiting Brittany. The place is just so scenic and my wife’s Mum is really nice too.
We visit every year and I tend to spend a lot of time by myself just wandering the beaches and visiting the town of Paimpol while my mother-in-law and my wife spend priceless time together. I sketch and paint of course, it really is heaven.
This watercolour was from my first day, I look forward to many more watercolours in the coming week.

First watercolour in Paimpol 2019
First watercolour in Paimpol 2019

Video watercolor Watercolour youtube

Featured in the latest video

I thought I’d just publish this as it’s featured in the latest watercolour demonstration video. It’s a painting of Riddarholmen in Stockholm. Click the link if you would like to see it:
It was a real challenge this one. Showers of rain kept interrupting but I am happy with the end result and the decisions I made during the process of painting it.

I have gently launched a webshop which I am building when I have time. I have placed this watercolour and a few other in the store. My goal is to sell my art directly to the people who enjoy my work and not through galleries that take 50%. It’s work in progress so let me know if something is not working or if the design is weird etc.


Working boat in front of Riddarholmen
A working boat in front of Riddarholmen
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Painting Riddarholmen – Watercolour Demonstration Ep.12

Painting Riddarholmen – Watercolour Demonstration Ep.12

I cycled into Stockholm and painted a view of Riddarholmen for this demonstration. The day turned out to be quite a challenge because of rain showers that frustrating me. In the end I returned home, I finished the watercolour the next day and was very happy with the result. A nice little painting that can be seen from start to finish on YouTube.

If you enjoy these videos It is possible to support by donating a small amount each month. Click my Patreon link below to find out more about how you can help.

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