Life drawing

Some recent life drawing

Like I said before, I don’t really get a chance to fully relax at my own life drawing classes so I go to other venues to practice instead. I say practice and that’s the way I see it, these aren’t finished paintings but sketches where I allow myself to experiment and have fun. I have noticed that the more I practice the better I can draw when I’m painting outdoors. It makes sense, nothing is for free after all.

These sketches are typically 5 minute poses, I usually spend 5 more minutes improving them the day after – some I leave alone. I use W&N Sepia watercolour and a mechanical 2 B pencil.

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I’m featured in a book called Neil Young – Art of Gold

I was very surprised the other day when a book dropped through the letterbox. I couldn’t remember ordering anything on Amazon recently. Watch the video for the full story and see one of my very first watercolours!


Jury selected for local art exhibition

This painting which I painted last year has been chosen for a winter exhibition in Nacka Konsthall, Sickla – not far from the centre of Stockholm. It’s very pleasing of course and I look forward to the opening of the exhibition on the 23rd of November. The painting which was chosen is called, Gröna Lund and is 70 x 50 cm in size.
The painting has travelled a lot, it was in the ECWS exhibition in Haapsalu, Estonia during the summer. It’s always an honour to represent Sweden in these European Watercolour Society exhibitions.

The painting is for sale, 7500 sek or 5000 sek unframed.

The opening of the Exhibition is Saturday 23rd of November at 13.00
The exhibition is from the 23 rd of November until the 12th of January 2020.

Nacka Konsthall
Marcusplatsen 17
131 34 Nacka
Tel: +46 (0)8 718 82 90

Click the thumbnail below if you want to see a larger image.

Gröna Lund
Gröna Lund in November


Pontrieux, you were difficult

Like I said in the last post, this watercolour didn’t come easy. After coming home from France I had the half finished painting on my studio wall for weeks until one day I finally thought I’d have a go at completing it. It wasn’t obvious to me if I would succeed or not but I am so happy I didn’t give up and I made it work.
Have a nice weekend!

Click the thumbnail below to see the image in full-size.

A watercolour from Pontrieux
A watercolour from Pontrieux, France
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Video Watercolour

Outdoor Painting Ep16 – This one was difficult

This episode was filmed in Pontrieux, France. I have to admit that this watercolour was a bit of a fight. When I had reached half way I really didn’t know if I would succeed or not. I’m glad I didn’t give up though because I am delighted with the end result.

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akvarell watercolor Watercolour Watercolours

The view from Vasabron, Stockholm

It’s a sign of the changing seasons but I sat in my studio and painted this scene from a photo I took during the autumn.
Saying that, I have just bought a super-warm winter coat and so I certainly do not accept being stuck in my studio until the warmer days reappear in the spring. Nah, I’m going out there and painting real soon, vodka in my water, blow torch at my hip – watercolours will be done whatever the conditions. 🙂

Click the thumbnail below for full-sized image.

Akvarell Vasabron-vy
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Life Drawing – painting fast watercolours

Since I came back to Stockholm after the summer break I have been making sure I go to life drawing classes at least once a week. As I have mentioned before it is so important to sketch regularly, everyday if possible. Life drawing is a wonderful way to practice drawing from real life, I also like to push myself and paint. These sketches are either 2 or 5 minute, not much time to think so everything has to be instinctive, you can only achieve this through hours of practice.

I use a plastic airlines plate with a watercolour cup stuck in the middle of it with Super Glue, I have Sepia tube colour in the cup. Choosing which watercolour to use is made easy this way, I have only the one choice.

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Revisiting Randazzo Sicily

Yes, I had a wonderful holiday in Sicily this summer. It seems so long ago now, especially now that the autumn leaves have fallen and the bare trees are almost black in tone.
I paint every morning and so I often browse through my photo reference folder which is full of potential watercolour scenes. And so it was with this scene, it just said hello to me and I started painting it. I never know what I am going to paint before I start, it’s interesting how we get inspired, it can be different everyday.
I am happy with this watercolour, I seem to have found a new awareness on how to tackle a scene, it excites me and I want to just paint more scenes, isn’t life great! 🙂

Click the thumbnail image below if you would like to see it in full-size.

watercolour of Randazzo Sicily
Randazzo Sicily
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Featured in my latest video

This watercolour was filmed when I visited GÃ¥lö, a nature reserve just south of Stockholm. It was a damp autumn day and I had to use my gas burner to get the watercolour dry. It was such a beautiful place so I didn’t mind the fight. To see the film click the this YouTube link:

(Click the thumbnail below to see full-sized image.)

Gålö, Stockholm
Gålö, Stockholm 36 x 26 cm