Sketch watercolor Watercolour

It’s not often I get inspired by such dullness

I was in my studio at home when workmen started drilling into the outer wall of the apartment. After 15 minutes of painful noise I gave up grabbed my sketch bag and jumped into the van. It was grey and wet but I told myself to go to the local waterfront (Nacka Strand) to paint a watercolour sketch. A plain white ferry contrasted wonderfully against the greyness of the sky and sea. This was enough to inspire me and I am happy with the result – a simple composition that captured the day pretty well. 13 x 17.5 cm

If you would like to see my latest video click this link: Sketching watercolours while cruising Ep23

Click the thumbnail below to see a full sized image of the featured watercolour.

Nacka Strand and a grey day
Nacka Strand and a grey day
demonstration watercolor Watercolour watercolour video

Watercolours while on holiday video


In this video I paint a watercolour scene of islands in the archipelago while on holidays. My goal with these demonstrations is to help others who are trying to or thinking of sketching outdoors. My tip for this episode is that there is rarely a perfect sketching location to be had. Just sit down somewhere quiet and start, that’s the hardest step.

The watercolour to the left is the one featured in the video. 13 x 18 cm

figure drawing Life drawing

Meldrum Kroki ( life drawing ) has Zoom Premiere

Today is an exciting day, I will be streaming my first life drawing class using the popular app Zoom. I will continue using the Dieselverkstaden studio and will live stream from there every Thursday evening stating tonight. I have plans to reach out internationally with my class but the first step is to try it locally. The biggest problem I have with international participants is accepting payments. Locally we use a service called Swish here in Sweden. I am developing a way to accept payments from abroad and hopefully that will be fixed in the coming weeks.

If you are living in Sweden and have a Swish account then I invite you to the premiere of Meldrum Kroki on Zoom this evening. Please join Meldrum Kroki on Facebook which is private group to gain access, click the following link:

Like I said already, I am really looking forward to offering life drawing live.

See you soon I hope whether you are international or Swedish.

Please note that my actual (physical) life drawing classes are on hold until the pandemic is under control.



Sketching on my bicycle

It was a hot summer’s day in Stockholm when I decided to sketch the Town Hall, a building I just adore. I have condensed two hours of film into 15 minutes, some may still call it “Slow TV”, … It’s true in a way, you are watching paint dry after all. I don’t say a lot in this episode, I let the painting do the talking.

Sketch watercolor Watercolour

A laboured watercolour sketch

I painted this sketch from my van down by the water close to where I live. If I ignore all the scrubbing and scratching I think it has a nice feeling to it. Maybe it’s the simplicity of the composition, maybe it’s the sunny vibe or the girl looking out to sea. I would like to develop it further, do a studio version during the winter months when the warmth and the sunshine from the watercolour will be most welcome.

Click the thumbnail if you would like to see the full-sized image.

Looking out to sea at Nacka Strand

Video watercolor Watercolour watercolour video

How to save a watercolour sketch or not.

How I saved an outdoor sketch. This video isn’t for the sensitive watercolour painter, no this is probably the crudiest watercolour rescue hack on YouTube. Let me know what you think of it. Feedback is always welcome.

If you would like to see the actual watercolour sketch, click the thumbnail below

kroki Life drawing

Life drawing will be streamed this autumn

A live streamed Meldrum Kroki will begin on the 10th of September. My actual life drawing classes are otherwise on hold until the pandemic is under control. More news on how to join my streamed life drawing classes very soon.

Meldrum Kroki startar igen torsdag den 10 september.
PĂ¥ grund av smittorisk kommer klasserna att enbart streamas, ingen deltagare alltsĂ¥ – bara streaming. Mer info om upplägget kommer snart.


I miss the sea but sketching derelict buildings is fun too.

This is Liljeholmen, an industrial area that had it’s better days many, many years ago. Fun to sketch, charming even. 17.5 x 13 cm

Click the Thumbnail below if you would like to see the full sized image.

Sketch watercolor Watercolour

The last sketch

I was sitting outside in the cockpit of our boat, the weather was grey, the light flat. There was nothing that inspired me. So this watercolour sketch is just a figment of my imagination, maybe it was our own boat that inspired me to paint the orange sky. Maybe.
We sail an archipelago sailing boat hand built in 1975 by the previous owner. It’s called a Svea Kryssare and it’s 11.04 x 2.44 metres – narrow and tall. We were very honoured to take over the vessel and we now give Aquarelle all the love it deserves.

This turned out to be my last sketch of the month long sailing holiday. It was eventful, very testing at times but great too, the boat behaved so well in the strong winds that were roughing us for most of the journey.