
Developing my drawing style

I am currently scanning my life drawings from 2011 which I hope will soon be published here on this blog. While looking through all the studies I decided I need to stylise my illustrations to give them a more accomplised feel. As I like Art Neuveau so much I plan to try this style in the near future and see what developes. Artists I like are: Alphonse Mucha and  Gustav Klimt. More modern Artists I admire in this Art Neaveau style are: Audrey Kawasaki and Adam Huges

art artists Audrey Kawasaki figure drawing illustrations inspiration Nudes oil painting

Audrey Kawasaki
Audrey Kawasaki’s work is both Manga and Art Nouveau inspired, her technical skills are top-class. I find the work both erotic and innocent, the fact that a lot of the paintings are directly on wood add a lot of warmth to the compositions.

Audrey updates her online journal frequently with new work, pieces in progress, information about shows and more. Click here to visit Aud’s Journal

Some of Aud’s other links:
other blog
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art art school Dansmuseet figure drawing illustration kroki My Life Drawing Stockholm

Life drawing at the Museum of Dance – Stockholm

There is life drawing at the Museum of Dance in Stockholm this term. I have never been but I intend to give it a try. It must be great fun drawing dancers in classic poses or even trying to catch them while in motion. I have copied the information from their website and placed it below.


Teckna modell som med kroppens positioner stimulerar
den kreativa processen. Modellteckning med modell
i rörelse på Dansmuseet är en annorlunda upplevelse
som väckt stor respons.
1, 8, 15, 22, 29 februari, 7, 14, 21, 28 mars kl 17.30 – 19.30
Café de Maré är öppet i pausen.
Biljetter: 80 kr
art artists illustration

A guy called, ‘Milk’.

He is otherwise known as: Chiara Bautista

Here is another site featuring his work: Tumblr
art artists

Mexican artist: Rene Almanza

I found this artist’s work to be quite interesting, it’s provocative sometimes and it even reminds me of an ex-girlfriend’s drawing style, Melanie Stickland. His name is Rene Almanza and he is from Mexico.

first novel publishing Writing

Self-publishing revolution

I have just read an article in the Guardian and found it very inspirational.
I, like millions of others out there have the ambition to write a novel and get it published. The first problem one encounters of course is the fact the one has not actually started writing anything, never mind completing the damn thing.
The second problem is getting the work published. Publishing houses have not made it easy for new talent to get their first break in the business, the music industry was also like this too not so very long ago but with the appearance of ‘My Space’ bands like the Arctic Monkeys found success without the help of big-old-record labels. Then came iTunes and the once powerful record companies are now in decline. This revolution has now spread to publishing, Kindle Direct Publishing being the most well known example today.

So if you do finally write that book, at least it is not so hard to publish your labour of love anymore thanks to the advent of the self-publishing revolution. If you want to publish your book and are tired of all those rejection letters from the publishers, read this article from the Guardian: “Amanda Hocking, the writer who made millions by self-publishing online“.

Folk music Iarla Ó Lionáird Irish Music Music I like

Irish Music at its best: Iarla Ó Lionáird

It’s like the blues but green! The man has such a lovely haunting voice, shame he is hardly known.

art art school artists Portrait Video youtube

Portrait drawing demo by Zimou Tan


Mark Demsteader: Excellent portrait artist with a grunge style.

Mark Demsteader