David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch Watercolour

Last life drawing study of 2012

This is another in the series of two minutes sketches I did on 200g watercolour paper. I spent about an hour watercolouring the figure yesterday. I am happy with my development, I started watercolouring for the first time in February 2012 so I’m delighted really with my progress. I look forward to 2013 and plan to draw and paint even more. 🙂

Sketch by David Meldrum
Two minute sketch plus one hour of watercolouring. 20121231
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch Watercolour

Having fun

Some more two minute sketches from a life drawing session that I did a while back. I painted them yesterday, it’s so nice to have time during the Christmas holidays to have some fun. I’m not looking to create a masterpiece right now; I’m just playing around, experimenting, learning.

Sketch by David Meldrum
Original two minute sketch which I watercoloured  20121230

Sketch by David Meldrum
Original two minute sketch which I watercoloured  20121230

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch Watercolouring

Watercolouring quick life drawing sketches

I have a supply of two to five minute sketches on 200g watercolour paper. I started quick sketching on watercolour paper so that I can paint them at my leisure at a later date. I want to master watercolouring and so having these sketches lying around really makes practice easier. For light reference I use erotic photography that I have downloaded from the internet.

Watercolour sketch - 20121229 by David Meldrum
Watercolour sketch – 20121229


Watercolour sketch - 20121229 by David Meldrum
Watercolour sketch – 20121229
Watercolour sketch - 20121229 by David Meldrum
Watercolour sketch – 20121229

Here is an example of an original five minute sketch. I will probably paint this soon.

figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sir William Russell Flint Watercolour

Sir William Russell Flint

I discovered, Sir William Russell Flint today while browsing through LA CONCHIGLIA DI VENERE – The Nude in Art History. I like his nudes very much, there is much to learned by studying his watercolour technique which I certainly plan to do. I found an offical site also where they sell limited addition prints of his work.

Nude by Sir William Russell Flint
David Meldrum doodles Sketch urban sketching watercolor

Sketches from my note book

It is hard to focus on sketching or painting when Christmas presents still have to be bought and wrapped! Here are a few sketches from my note book.

Sketched at the Cultural Centre (Kulturhuset), Stockholm

Sketches while at work, my desk and a crowd drawn from my computer screen.
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Sketch Watercolour

Final life drawing session for 2012

Konstnärshuset, 20121211

Not many turned up for this final session, lots of snow and pre-Christmas stress keeping them away I guess. I was not able to concentrate very well during the evening so I played with my watercolours. Playing is a very important way to learn and improve, isn’t it!? 😉

10 minute sketch 20121211 by David Meldrum
10 minute sketch 20121211

10 minute sketch 20121211 by David Meldrum
10 minute sketch 20121211

10 minute sketch 20121211 by David Meldrum
10 minute sketch 20121211
I have a whole bunch of quick sketches that I executed on watercolour paper, they are from the last four life drawing sessions, I plan to colour them during the Christmas holidays. 
5 minute sketch 20121211 by David Meldrum
5 minute sketch 20121211

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch Watercolour

Saturday’s life drawing

Basis, Stockholm 20121208

I was not in the mood to begin with, I was feeling rather lazy after a tough week at work. After a sketch or two I started to loosen up a bit and get into it, in the end I was quite happy with a number of my sketches.  I will be going to my last life drawing session for this year on Tuesday, Christmas is coming!

Watercolour life drawing by David Meldrum 20121208
Life drawing 20121208

Watercolour life drawing by David Meldrum 20121208
Life drawing 20121208

Watercolour life drawing by David Meldrum 20121208
Life drawing 20121208

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch Watercolour

Tuesday’s Life Drawing

Konstnärshuset 20121204

This model was excellent at posing. She is a dancer, most of the good posers are.

Life drawing by David Meldrum 20121204
Life drawing 20121204

Life drawing by David Meldrum 20121204
Life drawing 20121204

Life drawing by David Meldrum 20121204
Life drawing 20121204

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch Watercolour

Saturday’s life drawing session.

This was difficult for me, the model, an elderly lady who is obviously undergoing chemotherapy reminded me a lot of my own wife who had chemotherapy two years ago. Still, it was an interesting session, older models have so many interesting lines and curves to draw. A session of mixed emotions. Respect to the model for not letting cancer stop her.

Watercolour life drawing sketch by David Meldrum 20121201
Watercolour Sketches 20121201

Watercolour life drawing sketch by David Meldrum 20121201Watercolour life drawing sketch by David Meldrum 20121201