David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude

Thursday’s male nude portrait

Venue: The Swedish Academy of Realist Art 

I wish I could spend more time watercolouring, I mean, lots of time, even full-time. The month of April and May are the busiest time of the year for me at work, I have a number of fun web projects that I’m working on, but it keeps me from my art, life is hard.

Watercolour by David Meldrum 20130425
Male Nude, Watercolour, 2 hours, A3, 300g paper, 2013.04.25

David Meldrum My Life Drawing Nude Sketch

Saturday’s Life drawing

Venue:  konstskolan BASIS 2013.04-20

I’m experimenting with coloured pencils on light-brown paper since last week. I like the technique, it is a quick way to create a more three-dimensional form.

Nude by David Meldrum 2013.04.20
Nude 2013.04.20

Nude by David Meldrum 2013.04.20
Nude 2013.04.20

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Sketch

Thursday’s life drawing

Venue: The Swedish Academy of Realist Art  20130418

I actually turned up at the wrong life drawing session, I wondered why no one had arrived and then I slowly realised that I was at the wrong place on the wrong day! Luckily, I was half an hour early and so made it to the right address just on time. I’m stressed at work, I can blame it on that or maybe it’s my age.

Nude by David Meldrum
Pencils on coloured paper. Nude 2013.04.18
composition Video youtube


Useful compositional tips by Mark Mehaffey

artists Paola Troilo Video

Paola Troilo

Paola uses Photoshop and finger painting to create his works. His official website is,

troilo_handpainting from paolo troilo on Vimeo.

Raitune5 – Scuba ♪ Paolo Troilo ♦ 10.06.2012 from MigUel on Vimeo.

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Portrait Watercolour

Thursday’s figure painting

After one hour this painting was going real well. The pencil drawing was fine and the first watercolour wash felt good.

Then, for the last hour of the session I painted layer upon layer of bad decisions. By the end of the session I was totally frustrated at my limited technique. So I scrubbed a lot of the pigment from the model’s face, dropped it into my carrying case and went home grumpier than a newly-woken bear.

When I got home, I took a large black pencil to the painting and what you see below is the result. I’m actually happy with it, but I still wish I could paint better, then I wouldn’t have to use a pencil to rescue the portrait.

Watercolour Male Nude by David Meldrum
Male Nude 20130411

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch

Life drawing hunger

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm.

I was not able to do any life drawing for a whole week! … So I was very eager to sketch last night. 😉

Life drawing sketch by David Meldrum 20130409
Two minutes

Life drawing sketch by David Meldrum 20130409
Five minutes + two

Life drawing sketch by David Meldrum 20130409
Two minutes + two

Life drawing sketch by David Meldrum 20130409
Five minutes
Life drawing sketch by David Meldrum 20130409
Ten minutes

Five minutes
Barcelona Dali Gaudi Miro


I visited Barcelona last week for four days. Mind food! It was so good for me to visit Miro’s museum, Dali’s resting place in Figueres and Gaudi’s Basílica de la Sagrada Família.  We also trekked in the mountains north of Barcelona at Montserrat, what a view! Each evening we ate like kings tasting lots of Catalonian delights.

Sketches of Barcelona by David Meldrum

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Portrait Watercolour

A quick portrait

A quick portrait I did during two lunch breaks last week. I didn’t get the likeness but it’s not so important to me, my focus is on technique right now…

Watercolour by David Meldrum