David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch Watercolour Watercolouring

Life sketching with watercolours

I continue to sketch at life drawing with pencil and watercolour. Each pose is between five and ten minutes long so one has to be quick doing the initial sketch,  with the little time that is left I apply colour as best as I can. Click the images below to see more or click here.

Watercolour sketch by David Meldrum
Watercolour sketch by David Meldrum
Watercolour sketch by David Meldrum
Watercolour sketch by David Meldrum

Charles Reid David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Watercolour

One small step in a watercoloured direction

I was very happy with the result of this watercolour study, I am starting to get a feel for the medium. It is still a series of mistakes that I somehow patch up but most importantly, I am making fewer mistakes with each painting I do. I painted this yesterday evening at the “The Swedish Academy of Realistic Art” in Bergshamra, Stockholm during a two hour session. I’m still playing with the Charles Reid approach to watercolour painting which is the free use of hot and cold colours.

 Watercolour by David Meldrum 2012.04.19
 Watercolour by David Meldrum 2012.04.19

art lesson art school education Joseph Zbukvic Watercolour Watercolouring

Rural France came through the door

I received my “Rural France In Watercolour” DVD by Joseph Zbukiv yesterday. I look forward to watching it. I’m off to Paimpol, Brittany, Northern France in June and I plan to paint as must as possible while there. Click here if you’d like to see the trailer that inspired me to buy the video.

Joseph Zbukic DVD
artists James Toogood Watercolour Watercolouring

Watercolor: James Toogood’s “Mixed Emotions”

This is a watercolour, a very detailed and realistic one by James Toogood. I wonder was he given that surname at birth? It fits him well. If you would like to see how he acheived this work of art click here.

Mixed Emotions by James Toogood
David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Sketch Watercolour Watercolouring

Tourist painting

I had a thought, could I earn money from doing tourist paintings? Could I do a tourist painting? The answer I think is yes, if I practised more, I could. The question is though, would I want to? I don’t think so somehow. Anyway, this was a fun lunchtime sketch that I went and finished today on my Easter break.

Watercolour sketch by David Meldrum

art artists Ted Nuttall Video Watercolour Watercolouring

Ted Nuttall – Watercolourist

Ted Nuttall seems to live in a sunny warm climate, at least his paintings radiate sunshine and warmt, lucky him.

Here is Ted doing a demonstration of his technique:

Alvaro Castagnet Charles Reid Craig Young Palette Watercolour Watercolouring

Craig Young Palette

Charles Reid paints with a Craig Young Palette

At some stage in the future I’d like to own one of these handmade paintboxes by Craig Young. It will set me back £225 pounds though! Two Artists I admire, Alvaro Castagnet and Charles Reid use them, the deep wells look extremly useful.

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch Watercolour Watercolouring

Watercolouring at speed!

I spent another evening yesterday life drawing with watercolours, it’s a real challenge both drawing and painting the model in such a short time-span. It was tonnes of fun though! Click the image to see more or click here.

5 minute watercolour sketch by David Meldrum

Charles Reid David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch Watercolour Watercolouring

Influenced by Charles Reid

Drawing a model in one minute and then painting her by two. It’s fun trying to do the impossible!
I had great fun yesterday painting with primary colours at my life drawing class, I like the fact they are so cheerful, I’ll create more of these Charles Reid influenced sketches, absolutely. Click the image below to see more or click here.

10 minute watercolour sketch by David Meldrum
10 minute watercolour sketch by David Meldrum