Lunch Sketch Sketch Watercolour

Lunchtime sketching resumes

I have been rather busy since the summer holidays. But today I was relaxed enough to do a little lunchtime sketch. I don’t know if anyone would recognise this artist, a hint is that he likes to sing about buildings.

A lunchtime sketch by David Meldrum
Lunchtime sketch

David Meldrum My Life Drawing Nude Watercolour

Tuesday life drawing – Konstnärshuset

Here are some sketches from Tuesday’s life drawing session. More can be found here or visit “My Life Drawing 2012”.

Life drawing sketch by David Meldrum
2 minute sketch with Hero pen.
Watercolour nude study by David Meldrum
5 minute Koi watercolour and Hero pen sketch.

David Meldrum My Life Drawing Sketch Watercolour

Saturday’s life drawing session

I was relatively happy with my life drawing on Saturday. I have been studying my Charles Reid DVDs and some of his expert knowledge seems to have penetrated my thick skull. It is hard to apply new techniques when one is sketching and painting so fast, one doesn’t have time to think really, it’s instinctive. That is the benefit of practising, one improves slowly but more importantly, skills become second nature.
This week, I created frames for my sketches before the drawing session, I like the result of this, they feel like graphic novel stories. Three more drawings can be found on ” My Life Drawing 2012“.

2 minute ink and watercolour sketches by David Meldrum
2 minute ink and watercolour sketches
2 minute ink and watercolour sketches by David Meldrum
2 minute ink and watercolour sketches

David Meldrum My Life Drawing Sketch Watercolour

Life Drawing

I was not really in form yesterday evening, a bit too tired to fully apply myself. Still, I gave it a go and a few sketches turned out okay. Visit “My Life Drawing 2012” or click here.

Five minute pen and watercolour sketch of a male nude by David Meldrum
Five minute pen and watercolour sketch

David Meldrum My Life Drawing Nude Sketch Watercolour

Life Drawing

I am really pushing myself at the moment, I am trying to improve my sketching skills by practising – a lot.  Yesterday I used my hero pen and watercolours for life drawing. It was fun trying to complete an ink and wash of the male figure in two minutes flat. The sketch below was completed in 10 minutes, if you would like to see some more, visit ‘My Life Drawing 2012‘ page.

A sketch of a body builder by David Meldrum
Body builder

David Meldrum Sketch urban sketching Watercolour Watercolouring

Commuting pastimes

Coming home from work I noticed a man listening to music on his phone. I wondered if he would stay put long enough for me to sketch him. He travelled two stops before getting off at the central station. ( I watercoloured later when I came home)

Commuting pastimes, a watercolour by David Meldrum
Commuting pastimes

David Meldrum Sketch Watercolour Watercolouring

My sleeping sister

I sketched my sister sleeping while we were sailing last week. Someone has mentioned that she is ‘Hot!’ on my Flickr Urban Sketching page. I agree with them of course 🙂

'Sleeping Sister' watercolour sketch by David Meldrum
Sleeping Sister

David Meldrum kroki My Life Drawing Sketch Watercolour

Life drawing season returns

Yesterday, I went to my first Life Drawing evening since the summer break, I tried out some new techniques I had been studying, if it were a cake it would not have raised, but it was fun trying and that’s the whole point, isn’t it! 😉 Visit “My Life Drawing 2012” if you would like to see more.

Nude by David Meldrum
Koi colours
David Meldrum Sketch urban sketching Watercolour

Sailing to Elba, Italy

More drawings can be seen on the “My Urban Sketches” page.