David Meldrum figure painting Nude Sketch Watercolour Watercolouring

Life without a pencil

This is a great Christmas present! It seems I do not need to outline anymore. This is the second watercolour I have created without any initial pencil marks. I am happy enough with the result and I look forward now to 2014 and developing this new found skill. 🙂

Nude with no outlines by David Meldrum
Nude with no outlines. Saunders Waterford HP paper – 31 x 23 cm

David Meldrum Watercolour

Stockholm’s town hall minus the best part.

The best image of Stockholm’s town hall is the reflection of the building on the water. So this painting was doomed to fail before I even started as I hadn’t left room for the water. Still, I used it as an exercise and I’m happy with what I learned. I used masking fluid for the first time, inspired I guess by Lars Lerin. Learning one brush-stroke at a time, that’s what it’s all about!

Stockholm's Town Hall by David Meldrum
Stockholm’s town hall. 31 x 23cm.

Joseph Zbukvic Video Watercolour Watercolouring

People at work – by Joseph Zbukvic

Joseph Zbukvic has a new video produced by APV Films. Joseph is one of a small group of watercolour artists that I draw inspiration and knowledge from, this new video is a treat for me!

Joseph Zbukvic Video Watercolour Watercolouring

Joseph Zbukvic – Video Gallery

This is the best gallery of Joseph’s work that I’ve seen on the internet.

Blade Runner Video Watercolour

Blade Runner – The Aquarelle Edition

This animation consists of 12 597 handmade aquarelle paintings, each painting is approximately 1,5*3cm in size. Together they form Anders Ramsell’s 35 minute long paraphrase on the motion picture Blade Runner (1982) by Ridley Scott.

David Meldrum figure painting Nude Watercolour

Bringing Arches watercolour paper down to size

I recently bought Arches watercolour paper. Each time I try to paint on it I get cramp, I find it almost impossible to relax. Why? Because I have such a respect for the beautiful 300g rough cotton paper. I finally worked out the solution to my problem, I simply chop up the paper into smaller pieces and in doing so I make the paper less precious. Now I am not afraid to make mistakes, now I can experiment and learn. You wouldn’t believe what a relief this is to me. I’m just another artist with mental problems!

Watercolour nude by David Meldrum
A4 Nude on Arches 300g rough paper. 

figure painting Nude Watercolour Wendy Artin

Wendy Artin’s Watercolour nudes

I stumbled over Wendy Artin’s Watercolour nudes today. There are not many good figure painters who use watercolour as their chosen medium . I am happy to have discovered her work and have bookmarked her as a source of inspiration. You can visit her web site here.

Nude by Wendy Artin
Nude by Wendy Artin
David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting My Life Drawing Nude Sketch Watercolour

Just one this time

It was a lean evening at life drawing last night. I only managed to produce one sketch that I was reasonably happy with. This means the next life drawing session can only be better. Something to look forward to  ðŸ™‚

Watercolour nude 20131023 by David Meldrum
Watercolour nude 20131023. Canson 200g, 24 x 32 cm ( 9 3/8 x 12 1/2″)

David Meldrum Sketch SketchCrawl Urban Sketchers Watercolour

World SketchCrawl day today

It was World SketchCrawl Day today and I met up with Nina Johansson to sketch at The City Museum (Stadsmuseet). The watercolour below was sketched from a third-floor window overlooking “Slussen” in Central Stockholm. It was a beautiful autumn day but too cold for us to be outside sketching.

Watercolour sketch by David Meldrum
Slussen 2013.10.19