David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting My Life Drawing Nude Nudes Watercolour

Tuesday’s life drawing

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm. 20140318

The model is a dancer, he was very theatrical and amusing to draw.

Male nude by David Meldrum
Five minute watercolour nude

Male nude by David Meldrum
Five minute watercolour nude

Male nude by David Meldrum
Five minute watercolour nude

Male nude by David Meldrum
Two minute nude

David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting My Life Drawing Sketch Watercolour

Inspiration is important

Venue: Basis, Stockholm. 20140315

I’ve drawn this model too many times, I know all her poses, no surprises. I’m not blaming the model, I just wasn’t able to get it on. Saying that, I am actually happy with the first sketch. The other fifteen or so sketches from the session were well below standard.

Later:. 20140317
Man, I’m grumpy when I don’t feel so well. I gotta stop moaning, life is too short for negatives. I am looking forward to new, positive, life drawing opportunities this Tuesday evening. 🙂

Nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute watercolour nude

Nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute watercolour nude

David Meldrum figure painting Nude Watercolour


I painted this nude from an image I found on the internet. I think it’s a good effort, but of course there are things like skin-tones and a hand that I’m not totally happy with. The point of this watercolour though was for me to practice and learn and I certainly did discovered many positives and negatives while doing it. The battle for mastery goes on …

Watercolour female nude by David Meldrum
90 minute nude,  20140305

Alvaro Castagnet Herman Pekel Joseph Zbukvic Video Watercolour Watercolouring

The Three Amigos

This is a must see video if you enjoy the work of any of these watercolouring greats, Joseph Zbukvic, Herman Pekel and Alvaro Castagnet. I owe at lot of what I’ve learned to these artists and their wonderful DVDs.

Charles Reid David Meldrum Portrait Watercolour

Dear Charles,

“Dear Charles Reid, sorry for painting you in such a way that you look like you just survived a bar fight.”

Yes, too much red but I still enjoyed this lunch time watercolour. I used Arches 300g NOT paper, 18 x 26 cm.
Charles Reid by David Meldrum
Charles Reid – Watercolour Artist and Teacher
David Meldrum Portrait Watercolour

Lunch time portrait of Frida

As usual, I’m not totally happy with my effort but I’m not totally disappointed either. I spent three half-hour lunch breaks painting her in total. Painted on Fabriano 50% Cotton paper, 23x30cm.

…After thought:
Looking at the portrait again the day after, I have to admit that I am happy with the result. I should not really comment on my work until at least 24hrs have passed.

Frida Kahlo de Rivera by David Meldrum - 20140128
Frida Kahlo de Rivera – 20140128
David Meldrum Sketch Stockholm urban sketching Watercolour

Central Station Watercolour Sketch

I keep reminding myself it’s a sketch and not a painting. So as a sketch, I’m happy with it. Setting the tonal values for a scene was more difficult than I thought it would be, something for me to practice – definitely.

A4 Moleskin watercolour notebook, 200g.

David Meldrum Sketch urban sketching Watercolour

Work in progress …

I will finish this tomorrow morning. Today I focused on the light and mid-tones. One never knows if a watercolour will be a success or not. The foreground figures will be dark in tone, it will be exciting to see what develops …

Central Station – Work In Progress


David Meldrum Sketch Stockholm urban sketching Watercolour

Watercolouring at Central Station

After a couple of days sketching at the Central Train Station here in Stockholm I felt ready to do my first watercolour sketch for 2014. I’m happy enough with the result, I spent two hours on it over a two day period. I used too much gouache for highlighting but as it’s just a sketch I really don’t mind, I’d prefer to use less of course.
I am getting up one hour earlier this week so that I have an hour to sketch before going to work. It is not as hard as I thought it would be. Now, I’ve found an extra hour each day to sketch and paint which makes me happy.

Under the Departure Sign at Central Station Stockholm by David Meldrum
Under the Departure Sign at Central Station Stockholm. Moleskin A4 watercolour notebook.

The first day.
The first day, 20140113