David Meldrum Lunch Sketch lunch watercolour Watercolour

Lunchtime watercolour

This watercolour of a Stockholm tram took me two lunchtimes. I struggled with the background, I should have done a tonal sketch first, unfortunately I do not have time to be that professional. I prefer quantity to quality at the moment anyway, it’s more important for me to just paint as often as I possibly can and learn. The masterpieces will come later, I hope.

Watercolour by David Meldrum
Tram Nr.7 to Skansen, Stockholm. 20150113. Fabriano FG 300g 17 x 22 cm
David Meldrum Lunch Sketch lunch watercolour Watercolour

Lunch Bunny

Winter Bunny 20150109. Fabriano FG 300g 17 x 22 cm

My lunchtime watercolours have to be simple in composition in order for me to complete a painting in 30 – 45 minutes. I choose sailing boats and water scenes partly for this reason and partly, well, I just like sailing. Some friends asked recently, “Do you do anything besides sailing boats?” so this is for them, a winter bunny. It’s kinda a cute, isn’t it!

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Watercolour

Back to work

The Archipelago. A5 Fabriano GF 300g 
Christmas is definitely over, yesterday was my first day back at work. I painted this small A5 watercolour during my lunch break,  I wasn’t concerned about creating a masterpiece,  I just wanted to get back into the routine of painting during lunchtimes again.
artists Prashant Prabhu Watercolour

Artist – Prashant Prabhu

Watercolour by Prashant Prabhu
Watercolour by Prashant Prabhu

I discovered this Indian watercolour artist from Mumbai, his name is Prashant Prabhu. I find his stylised landscapes very inspiring. He doesn’t enter watercolour competitions and so I guess this is why I’ve never heard of him before. Visit his website here.

David Meldrum Urban Sketchers Watercolour

Stockholm Urban Sketchers

I met up today with the Stockholm Urban Sketchers. As usual we had lot of fun. This watercolour sketch was painted at the Central Station, my favourite warm place to sketch during the Swedish winters.

Sketching at Central Station

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Watercolour

Two lunchtime watercolours from December

I had a great Christmas with my family and friends, unfortunately I still haven’t mastered handling the stress of everything that has to be done before the holidays. It’s one of the busiest times of the year for me work-wise. If I was clever I’d buy all the presents and write all the Christmas cards the month before, but I’m not that smart.
So, I did not paint as much as I’d have liked in December but still my lunchtime watercolour effort is helping me produce more work than ever before. The more I paint, the better I become which of course feels good. Next year, I will paint more often and I’ll paint larger formats too. One of my sons is studying abroad in the New Year so now I have a studio space at home until he comes back in the summer. I guess it won’t be long before he flies the nest completely, sad, but I gain a studio.

Happy New Year! 🙂

Watercolour of sailing boat by David Meldrum
Lunchtime watercolour 20141209. Fabriano rough, 300g, 23 x 30.5cm

Watercolour of sailing boat by David Meldrum
Lunchtime watercolour 20141218. Fabriano rough, 300g, 30.5 x 23cm

David Meldrum Watercolour

Happy mother in law

My mother in law lives in a beautiful house only metres from the sea in Brittany,  north-west France.  It gives me great pleasure knowing that my painting of her home makes her so happy.
David Meldrum figure painting Watercolour

Two hour pose

Last Sunday I spent two hours painting this portrait of a male nude. I didn’t quite capture the likeness very well but I’m happy with the end result anyway. The picture is about A3 in size and on Fabriano Rough 300g paper.

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Watercolour

A lunch time watercolour

I was so busy last week, I didn’t have a chance to take a photo of this until today. Actually there was 5 – 10 minutes sun here in Stockholm today! We have very flat, grey, overcast skies here most of November and December, difficult to copy ones art, depressing too.
Even though I’m busy at work I still try and do a watercolour each lunchtime, nothing last week but I should get a few done this coming week. Something to look forward to in this gloomy Nordic darkness. I used two photographs as reference.

Waterclour by David Meldrum
Stockholm archipelago. Fabriano GF 30.5 x 23 cm