David Meldrum lunch watercolour Watercolour

A lunchtime watercolour

I was quite happy with this watercolour. I finished it within half an hour during my lunch break. I used two photographs as reference, one for subject and the other for lighting. It is very small at 7,8 x 11,5 cm. I used masking fluid for the lighthouse and reflection. I painted 3 layers and used my mini-hair dryer each time. Wish I could be this productive every lunchtime.

Watercolour by David Meldrum
30 minute watercolour. 7,8 x 11,5 cm.

David Meldrum Sketch Watercolour

Nordic watercolouring

Last Friday we went fishing on a frozen lake in Ljungdalen in the north of Sweden. The ice was one metre thick and it took us 30 minutes travelling uphill on our cross country skies to reach the lake. I painted, the water froze and the colour pigment behaved very weird on my paper but as luck would have it, I brought along my new mini-gas-burner. The first watercolour caught fire briefly, the masking tape flamed up on me, you can see the burn on the right hand side of the first painting. It was zero to minus five that day, I had fun trying to do some watercolouring in very extreme conditions. 🙂
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden. by David Meldrum
Ljungdalen, Sweden. Moleskin watercolour notebook 200g, 29 x 21 cm
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden by David Meldrum
Ljungdalen, Sweden. Moleskin watercolour notebook 200g, 29 x 21 cm

David Meldrum Painting on lake Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.

David Meldrum Painting on lake Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.

David Meldrum Painting on lake Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.

David Meldrum Painting on lake Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.

David Meldrum Painting on lake Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.
David Meldrum Still life Watercolour

Mini Still lifes

I was cross-country skiing in the mountains near Norway last week.When my aching body was trying to recover in the evenings, I painted. Here are two little still lifes from the trip: 7,8 x 11,5 cm.

Still life #1 
Still life #2

David Meldrum Watercolour

Thank you for the flowers …

Thank you for the flowers Berit and Pierre.

Lillies, Fabriano GF 300g, 30x40cm 
David Meldrum Watercolour

Island fishing

Not much to say about this painting, it’s partly from a photograph and partly from my imagination. I am producing a lot of work right now, the quality may not be 100% but I feel it’s important to just paint and paint a lot, I’m learning at a very fast rate because of this. The original size was a lot larger but I cropped it as it lacked compositional impact. It is now 17 x 12cm in size on Fabriano GF 300g paper.

A painting of Island fishing by David Meldrum
Island fishing. Fabriano GF 300g paper. 17 x 12cm  
David Meldrum Watercolour

Party tulips

I had a party at the weekend for my friends from Life Drawing and Urban Sketchers. It was a great evening and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves immensely. We were given lots of flowers which was ideal for painting afterwards.

Tulips. Arches rough 300g, 28.5 x 38.5cm 20120212
David Meldrum Lunch Sketch lunch watercolour Watercolour

Horses are tricky

I’ve been painting horses recently, they are difficult to paint and draw but I like the challenge. This small painting used to be much larger but I chopped off the legs due to my inability to capture their movement. Meanwhile I’m working on two other horse paintings and as usual, the more one practices, the easier it gets.

Galloping horse. 11.5 x 7.8 cm Arches rough 300g

David Meldrum Urban Sketchers Watercolour

Urban Sketching in zero degrees.

We were a group of seven or eight Urban Sketchers on top of Katarina Elevator last Sunday. It was zero degrees, my water did not freeze but it didn’t dry very well either. After half an hour it got too cool for us and we retreated to a nearby café where we could warm up again. It was only then that my watercolour sketch dried.

Katarina Elevator view, Slussen, Stockholm. A4 watercolour Moleskin, 200g paper.

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch lunch watercolour Watercolour

Lunchtime watercolour

White horse by David Meldrum
White horse. 11.5 x 7.8 cm Fabriano GF 300g

I must admit, I need a break from sailing boats, I love sailing and the Stockholm archipelago but I have to resist it for a while. I decided to paint a horse yesterday instead, I build horse-sport websites during the day so it feels kinda natural to paint them too. It is a small painting, 11.5 x 7.8 cm. Keeping it little means less surface to paint and so practical for lunch break watercolour painting. I see improvement in my technique, painting and drawing as much as I can really pays, which feel really nice.
This week I have painted every morning for an hour before going to work, I paint at lunchtime, I have Life Drawing twice and figure painting once during the seven days.