David Meldrum lunch watercolour Watercolour

Tuesday’s lunchtime watercolour.

Sailing away. Arches rough 300g, 11,5 x 7,8 cm

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch lunch watercolour Sketch Watercolour

Lunchtime watercolour

I’m trying to get back into a rhythm with my painting. I have been a bit lost lately, mainly because I have so much going on in my life besides art. This watercolour sketch took two lunchtimes to complete. It’s a portrait of a Swedish artist that I admire. It’s not a perfect likeness, I wasn’t concerned with that, I just wanted to paint a picture. Tomorrow I will paint another lunchtime watercolour and it might even be an improvement on today’s effort. Who knows.

Watercolour of Swedish artist by David Meldrum
Watercolour Artist, Fabrinao GF 300g, 23 x 16,5 cm

David Meldrum lunch watercolour Watercolour

Little lunchtime watercolour

This was my first lunchtime watercolour for a few weeks, feels good to be back doing it.

Stockholm ferry. Arches rough 300g, 11,5 x 7,8 cm

Alexandra Becker-Black artists Watercolour

Alexandra Becker-Black

I stumbled over this site this morning while on Facebook. Alexandra Becker-Black is a watercolour artist who does very good figurative work. Visit her website here.

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch lunch watercolour Watercolour

Watercolour practice.

Monday, 30th of March, 2015
I didn’t know what to paint during my lunch hour, I only had a half an hour. I decided to do a bit of cloud practice.

Clouds. Fabriani HP, 24 x 18cm 20150330

David Meldrum Sketch Urban Sketchers Watercolour

A visit to the museum

A visit to the Natural History Museum in Stockholm, Sweden. 20150319

I was with the Stockholm Urban Sketchers last Sunday, we spent half a day having fun sketching all the stuffed animals. It’s kind of morbid but at least they don’t move when you’re trying to draw them. I really enjoyed it, I’ll be going back there again soon.

Moleskin watercolour sketchbook 21 x 19cm

Moleskin watercolour sketchbook 21 x 19cm

Fabriano A5 sketchbook
David Meldrum Lunch Sketch lunch watercolour Watercolour

Wednesday’s lunchtime painting

I could have been more subtle with the highlights but it was in my lunchtime rush. 45 minutes and done. 🙂

Lighthouse 17 x 12 cm, Fabriano HP 300g 20150325
David Meldrum Lunch Sketch lunch watercolour Sketch Watercolour

Lunchtime watercolour

A little seascape completed during my lunch break.
Size: 14 x 9 cm på Fabriano HP 300g papper.
David Meldrum exhibition Watercolour

My first exhibition

I was delighted to have one of my paintings accepted  for the annual watercolour exhibition at Väsby Konsthall, an art gallery that’s a short distance from Stockholm. This is my first time so it was a trill to be at the opening yesterday. One painting may be a modest start but for me it is a very important step in my development as an artist.

Yours truly …
Väsby Konsthall
Väsby Konsthall