David Meldrum moleskin Sketch Stockholm urbansketching Watercolour Watercolouring

Weekend sketch

We are not having the best of summers here in Sweden this year. Last week was great though and I took full advantage of it at the weekend. I set up a hammock by the water’s edge and lay there looking at all the boats going by. I live quite close to the city centre so the traffic on the water is intense at this time of year. I later did this watercolour in my sketchbook, I’m happy with it although I wish I had access to better watercolour sketchbooks than Moleskin, I like Arches Rough and so I always find it disappointing when I use the Moleskin. Still, it’s a sketchbook and it will do fine until it’s finished, I will use small Arches blocks in future. If anyone knows of good watercolour sketchbook, please let me know.

Sketchbook painting of Waldermarsudde, Stockholm.


First wash
David Meldrum Watercolour

A commission

My boss asked me to paint his summer house. I have a number of orders now, I have to admit it’s hard to paint something that has no personal value, this is a new frontier for me. Still, I was happy with the result. My boss didn’t fire me after I presented the watercolour to him! 😉

Summer house by David Meldrum
Summer house, Arches Rough paper, A3

David Meldrum Watercolour

Weekend cloud practice

The scary thing about painting a nice sky is that one has to have the nerve to finish the rest of the picture.

Lone Sailor. Arches Rough 300g, 31 x 23 cm.

David Meldrum lunch watercolour Watercolour

Rather extreme lunchtime painting

Not happy with one watercolour during my lunch break I attempted three. Each was painted on different paper. I wanted to see how the pigment reacted on each. Arches rough, Fabriano fine grain and Fabriano satin. I enjoy working at speed but this was pushing it a bit! 😉


Lunchtime romance

A lttle watercolour completed during the lunch break.


Along the waterfront

I cycled along the waterfront as I do each day. The temperature  has improved enough to stop and sketch. It’s beautiful.


Lunchtime watercolour

This painting took two lunchtimes to complete. I’m happy with the looseness of it,  I try all the time to let go,  it doesn’t come naturally,  I hope it does one day.


Evening sketch of Waldemarsudde

I am trying to paint and draw as much as possible right now. I sketch in the morning, I watercolour during lunch,  I paint again on the way home and best of all,  my employers want me to draw portraits full-time! I should improve with all this going on,  must be careful not to burnout. This sketch is a view of Waldemarsudde,  Stockholm.

David Meldrum lunch watercolour Watercolour

Double lunchtime watercolour

Yes, this one took me two lunchtimes to complete. I’m just happy to start painting again. I got into a bit of a rut during the last few weeks. Too much going on, I’m looking forward to the summer months.

Seagull watercolour by David Meldrum
Seagull 16,5 x 23cm Arches 300g papper.