David Meldrum urban sketching Watercolour

Last minute

I jumped on a last minute flight to Palma de Mallorca yesterday. I tried to paint the bright pink and mostly drunk lobsters on the beach. It didn’t inspire me. Maybe it will tomorrow, trying hard to adjust to the heat (29). Actually, tomorrow I’ll head into Palma, I’m staying in a charter-hotel in Arenal. It’s fun, I feel very lucky to be able to do this kinda thing.

David Meldrum Watercolour

The rush hour returns

What do you do when you enjoy yourself? You do it again!

This one was easier than yesterday’s effort. I felt more comfortable painting the water at least. I still haven’t got my skies in order. It’s the scale, I need to relax but it is easier said than done.

A quick watercolour sketch
Quick A5 sketch before the final effort
A sketch using three tones
Three tone sketch A5
David Meldrum Sketch Watercolour

Rush hour in the archipelago

Rush hour in the Stockholm archipelago
69 x 49 cm on Arches rough 300g

I still find it difficult working on a larger scale than before. The surface dries so quickly as my brush races down the paper, so easy to leave unwanted faults, not enough pigment in my palette or brushes that are too small. Still, I want to master large watercolours so the only thing I can do is try, try and try again again. I hate to admit it but I think the preliminary sketch is better than the final painting.

The sketch before doing the final watercolour.
The sketch before doing the final watercolour which is 17 x 12 cm.
David Meldrum watercolor Watercolour

Paimpol harbour area

This was my last day in France, the next day I would be making the long journey home to Sweden, a 13 hour trip by rail and air. The day was hot and the sky was a clear blue. I have dicovered through experience that blue skies are generally very boring when it comes to watercolour. It’s much more interesting having rain clouds on the horizon. So I was a little nervous with the painting, I knew it had great potential – I just had to find the right balance. I am happy enough with the result, I would like it to be more loose in style and will probably have another attempt at it here in the studio in the coming months. I will add some human figures to the composition too I think.
Painted on the 26th of August. 41 x 31 cm Arches rough, 300g

The first watercolour wash
Paimpol harbour area, the first wash
Plein air kit
One of my plein air set ups
Photo of the Paimpol harbour area
Photo of the Paimpol harbour area
David Meldrum France Watercolour

Loguivy de la mer

Just ten minutes away from where I was staying in Brittany last week there is a small fishing village called Loguivy de la mer. I found it magical and visited the place for three days in a row. These watercolours were painted on the second day, the 22nd of August I think it was. I am happy with them, they are loose enough in style to feel quite fresh – at least, I think so.

Loguivy de la mer at full tide
Loguivy de la mer at full tide. Arches rough 31 x 23 cm, 300g
David Meldrum France Watercolour

Little blue boat

When I walked past this boat it struck me how cute it was. I also liked the pier in the background. I had a lot of fun painting this, it took me nearly four hours to complete. It was painted on Arches rough as usual, 31 x 41 cm. Painted on the

The finished painting of the cute blue boat
The finished watercolour and my subject in the background
Uncomplete watercolour
At the halfway point
David Meldrum watercolor Watercolour

Oyster boats

This watercolour was painted on the 18rh of August at Paimpol harbour. It was a wet windy day. A lot of the painting was done under an umbrella, that was a first for me. I enjoyed the challenge. 

Arches rough, 31 x 23 cm 300g. W&N paints.

David Meldrum Watercolour


I was walking home after a successful day watercoloring in Paimpol when I spotted this boat standing defiantly and alone on the beach. The day was coming to an end and the sea mist was rolling in. It was a quick painting, I was tired because I had paired since the early morning.

Painted on the 17th of August.

Photo of watercolour by David Meldrum
Photo of watercolour and the beach
David Meldrum Urbansketchers urbansketching Watercolour


This is watercolour I did in the old streets of Paimpol, Brittany. I come here every year and I never get tired of the place. Panted on the 17th of August, 23 x 31 cm on Arches rough.

The streets of Paimpol
Paimpol street