watercolor Watercolour

Urban Escape

I have a favourite spot in Stockholm at the moment, it’s the corner of Sveavägen and kungsgatan. I am using my own photographs as reference but very soon I will be out in the streets painting plein air for real. After my trip to Spain recently made me realise that this is what I want to do most.

The Crossing 26 x 36 cm
Painted on Saunders Waterford Rough 300g

If you live in Stockholm maybe my second workshop on the 25th of May will interest you. I will be showing how I paint urban streets and giving hands on tuition to my students. Visit here for more information.

The Crossing - A watercolour by David Meldrum
The Crossing
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watercolor Watercolour

Cold day to be naked watercolour

I stumbled across an image on the internet and it inspired me to do this painting this morning. I would love to give the photographer and the model some credit but there was no information attached to the photo. I made changes to the background but the basic pose is the same.
Please contact me if I have been inspired by your photograph!

Too cold to be standing on a mountain
Too cold to be standing on a mountain
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akvarell kurs / course / workshop Watercolour

My second watercolour workshop

Yes, I am excited about my second watercolour workshop on the 25th. My goal this time is to inspire and teach others how to enjoy painting the streets of Stockholm. More information here:

Painting Stockholm
Painting Stockholm
Sketch watercolor Watercolour

Two sketches

I thought this might be interesting for a few. I mask my sketckbook page with tape when I create a border. I like it that way.

From my Sketchbook
From my Sketchbook

< Click the image to see full size

Sketch watercolor Watercolour

A sketch a day keeps me heading the right way.

I try to sketch everyday but of course life keeps getting in the way. This last week has been really busy, mostly seasonal stuff like getting the boat ready for launch and putting summer tyres on the car etc. The seasons are very clear here in Sweden. Half the year is dark and cold and the other half is light and warm(ish), simple.
I continue to do some urban sketching. I painted this from a fuzzy iPhone photo I took while I was walking, I never bothered to stop, I just snapped off a bunch of pictures. It’s not a bad technique really, I got some interesting angles.

Sketch watercolor Watercolour

Abandoned Caravan watercolour

I wandered around the caravan park I was staying on the last day of my painting trip. The park was pretty empty, it was a day after the Easter weekend. I discovered this abandoned caravan tucked away in a corner, I thought the composition was wonderful so I took a few shots with my phone. I stumbled across the images again this morning when I was wondering what to paint. I decided to do a sketch first and I’m happy with the result. I must do a larger version of it very soon, I still feel it is a great composition.

I stayed at the Moby Dick Caravan Park very close to the centre of Calella. It was quiet and the family running the park were charming.

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sketching Watercolour

Photographs from my visit to the Costa Brava.

It was wonderful to meet Angela Barbi while I was in Spain. I drove to Girona and spent the day there, the weather wasn’t so great but meeting Angela for lunch filled the day with sunshine anyway.
For those of you who don’t know Angela is, she organises watercolour courses with some of the best watercolour artists in the world. I can warmly recommend a week in Girona learning from a master. I spent a week in 2016 with Chien Chung-Wei.

Here are some photographs from my trip. I slept in a tent in the Moby Dick Caravan Park which is very close to the centre of Calella. I camp for two reasons, it’s cheap and I enjoy it. It also means I can afford to rent a car and zip around the Costa Brava.

Sketches Uncategorized watercolor Watercolour

Weekend watercolour sketches of Stockholm

I am continuing to experiment with light and shade. It is also interesting to try and find exciting compositions from the streets of my home town. In everyday life we stress and don’t study our environment, we should from time to time I think. There is a lot of beauty out there is we take the time to slow down a little and look around.
These watercolours are from my Saunders Waterford Sketchbook which is 28 x 38 cm

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Clocking up my ten thousand hours

I have been told that it’s going to take me 10 000 hours to master watercolour. That’s okay, I am enjoying the trip.
This is another painting of Stureplan, Stockholm.
I am exploring a lot at the moment, I wonder about form, tonal values and overall composition. I find it fascinating, a watercolour is more likely to succeed if one keeps these in mind while you paint.

Have a nice weekend!

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