akvarell Plein air watercolor Watercolour

Morning painting in Sandhamn

I spent the day in Sandhamn on Monday. It was under 3 degrees all day. Challenging, especially trying to get the watercolours to dry. But luckily I had my heat gun with me. It takes a certain amount of practice not to burn the painting. This was the morning watercolour. I painted in the afternoon too. It was a great day, but pretty cold.

akvarell watercolor Watercolour

A harbour south of Dublin

For the life of me, I can’t remember the name of this fine harbour. It’s in the south of Dublin, Ireland. If you recognise where it is, please let me know. 🙂

This watercolour was painted in the studio using a photo that I had taken a while back. I find it very hard to paint at home. It’s much easier to paint when I’m outdoors. I wonder why this is?

Click the thumbnail below to see it in full size.

akvarell Plein air watercolor Watercolour

Stockholm reflections

Stockholm reflections 29.10.2024. The weather is still relatively warm for this time of year. 🙂

Plein air watercolor Watercolour

A day plein air painting

I was painting plein air yesterday at Björnö naturreservat. The days are becoming shorter. The wind bites. But it blew away my cobwebs, very refreshing.

akvarell watercolor Watercolour

Southern archipelago

I over worked this watercolour maybe, but I’m totally fine with that. The most important thing for me right now is that I just paint.

Click the thumbnail below for a larger image.

akvarell watercolor Watercolour


I’ve probably reached 10 000 hours at this stage. Still, it doesn’t hurt to practice some more. 😛

akvarell watercolor Watercolour

Painting the mundane

I am relatively happy with this painting. Not technically, no, more that I was able to find something beautiful when there was no real beauty available. I try to be better at finding interesting compositions wherever I am. One just has to look around where one is standing, and if you have patience something beautiful will appear to you. Most of the time! 😉

akvarell Plein air watercolor Watercolour

I was invited to Poland

I recently returned from a week in Poland, I was invited to Kuligów outside of Warsaw to painting outdoors with Polish, Ukrainian and Latvian artists. There was even an artist from Belarus and Hungry. It was a lovely experience. Not many spoke English, but we all shared the language of art. I took the train from Stockholm to Warsaw, return. That was an interesting adventure also.

Sketch Sketches watercolor Watercolour

Sailing holiday sketches

I have been a bit slow to publish here. These are my watercolours from this summer’s sailing trip. We did not sail so far this year. Just sailed with the wind, sometimes going south, other times sailing northward. We had a lovely three weeks in the archipelago anyway. It’s always beautiful there.