David Meldrum doodles Sketch urban sketching watercolor

Sketches from my note book

It is hard to focus on sketching or painting when Christmas presents still have to be bought and wrapped! Here are a few sketches from my note book.

Sketched at the Cultural Centre (Kulturhuset), Stockholm

Sketches while at work, my desk and a crowd drawn from my computer screen.
David Meldrum Ikea Nina Johansson Pen and wash Sketch Urban Sketchers watercolor

Sketching at Ikea

I went sketching at Ikea today together with super-talented Nina Johansson. We are part of a small group here in Stockholm that meet once a month to sketch. At this time of the year it is too cold to be outside so we choose an indoor location. Ikea was a fun place to be, lots of interesting perspectives, colours and details. I bought a few things for my kitchen after we had finished sketching. 🙂

Sketch of Ikea by David Meldrum
The entrance to Ikea
Sketch of Ikea by David Meldrum
Sketching sofas at Ikea is a comfortable experience.
Sketch of Ikea by David Meldrum
The strange white figure looks at the weird bed perspective…

David Meldrum Sketch urban sketching watercolor Watercolouring

Sailing holiday

I came home yesterday after a three week holiday sailing around the Ã…land and Stockholm archipelagos. It was a wonderful adventure and I saw some amazing things. I have a number of panoramic sketches from the trip to publish, unfortunately I only managed to scan this little quickie sketch before my scanner suddenly, totally refused to work. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
More sketches coming soon. Anyone got any recommendations for a small, inexpensive scanner?

art David Meldrum figure drawing illustration My Life Drawing Sketch Water color Water colour watercolor Watercolour

Starting to sketch with watercolours.

I have started to use watercolour while life drawing. I am just learning to handle the medium so having to work at speed really helps, one doesn’t have time to worry, one just has to go for it! 
This model was getting chemotherapy and so her hair had fallen out and she looked very tired, especially her eyes, it was very haunting, still, I admired this 60 year old woman for not letting cancer stop her. These sketches are from 2012.03.17, Saint Patrick’s Day. 

15 minute watercolour sketch

5 minute sketch
2 minute sketch