art Jeff Bridges Lunch Sketch Sketch Water colour water colouring water colours

Lunch Sketch #4

I must admit, it is hard to finish a sketch during ones lunch break; today it was complete sometime between – afterwork and the evening meal. The sketch took one and a half hours to complete, I am learning a lot by my mistakes and there were plenty!

Jeff Bridges?
cartoon Grace Jones Lunch Sketch moleskin Portrait Sketch Water colour

Lunch Sketch #3

I started this yesterday but then I got interrupted by work so I ended up finishing it today. It’s not perfect but I’m happy enough with it. The purpose of these lunch time sketches it to get myself out of a bad habit, I want to stop just mindlessly surfing my lunchtimes away. Who knows, I might even improve my drawing skills too!

Grace Jones?
art doodles illustration Lunch Sketch Obama? Sketch Water colour water colours

Lunch sketch number two

It may not be the best caricature I have ever drawn but I am happy to be sketching with my new mini-water-colouring set, a ‘Field Box’ from Winsor & Newton.

art cartoon Lunch Sketch Michael Caine Sketch Water colour

Lunch sketch

I’ve promised myself to start sketching everyday so here is my lunch with Michael Caine!