David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Sketch urban sketching Watercolour

The City of London Sketch

I am currently at a web conference here in London. It’s cold and wet, but I guess that’s the way if should be. Anyway, I managed to squeeze in this watercolour sketch during the lunch break.

Chiswell Street, London

David Meldrum Nude Sketch


I’m still playing around with these coloured pencils. I sketched from a photograph I found on the internet, I like the pose, it’s hard to find erotic material on the net that is not too pornographic if you know what I mean. Where is the line between eroticism and pornography anyway? I guess that’s up to each and everyone of us to decide for ourselves.

Nude sketch by David Meldrum
Naked on the internet, a study.

David Meldrum My Life Drawing Nude Sketch

Saturday’s Life drawing

Venue:  konstskolan BASIS 2013.04-20

I’m experimenting with coloured pencils on light-brown paper since last week. I like the technique, it is a quick way to create a more three-dimensional form.

Nude by David Meldrum 2013.04.20
Nude 2013.04.20

Nude by David Meldrum 2013.04.20
Nude 2013.04.20

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Sketch

Thursday’s life drawing

Venue: The Swedish Academy of Realist Art  20130418

I actually turned up at the wrong life drawing session, I wondered why no one had arrived and then I slowly realised that I was at the wrong place on the wrong day! Luckily, I was half an hour early and so made it to the right address just on time. I’m stressed at work, I can blame it on that or maybe it’s my age.

Nude by David Meldrum
Pencils on coloured paper. Nude 2013.04.18
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch

Life drawing hunger

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm.

I was not able to do any life drawing for a whole week! … So I was very eager to sketch last night. 😉

Life drawing sketch by David Meldrum 20130409
Two minutes

Life drawing sketch by David Meldrum 20130409
Five minutes + two

Life drawing sketch by David Meldrum 20130409
Two minutes + two

Life drawing sketch by David Meldrum 20130409
Five minutes
Life drawing sketch by David Meldrum 20130409
Ten minutes

Five minutes
figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketch

New life drawing venue

Venue: ABF, Stockholm, 20130326

The usual Tuesday life drawing at Konstnärshuset was off because of the Easter break, so a number of us visited ABF as an alternative. It was a first time for me, the lady who was running it seemed nice and the model was good. On the minus side though I found the florescent lighting very harsh and it was almost double the price of Konstnärshuset. Granted, tuition was available.

Please note that I usually have more sketches to view than I publish here on Blogger, visit Life Drawing 2013.

Sketch of male model by David Meldrum 20130326
5 minutes, A3, 20130326

Sketch of male model by David Meldrum 20130326
5 minutes, A3, 20130326

Sketch of male model by David Meldrum 20130326
2 minute sketches, A5, 20130326

Sketch of male model by David Meldrum 20130326
2 minute sketches, A5, 20130326

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Tuesday’s life drawing

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, 20130319

 I am starting to miss my watercolouring so I think I’ll start again after the Easter break …

Ten minute sketch, A3, 20130319

Ten minute sketch, A3, 20130319

Two minute sketch, A4, 20130319

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Just sketching

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, 20130312

I am taking a pause from watercolours during my Tuesday evening life drawing classes. I want to focus on developing my drawing skills. I am happy with the results, I feel relaxed when I sketch which gives me time to think about composition and execution.

Sketch by David Meldrum 20130312
A4 paper, 2 minute sketch. 20130312

Sketch by David Meldrum 20130312
A3 paper, 5 minute sketch. 20130312

Sketch by David Meldrum 20130312
A3 paper, 10 minute sketch. 20130312

Sketch by David Meldrum 20130312
A4 paper, 2 minute sketch. 20130312

David Meldrum doodles Portrait Sketch Watercolour

Watercolour doodle

I painted this quickly last Friday during my lunch break. I want to improve my technique, so I practice as often as I can.

Sketch by David Meldrum 20130308
Watercolour doodle, 20130308 (A4 paper)