David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Tuesday’s life drawing

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm. 20160202

I enjoyed this life drawing session. I was happy with most of my sketches which rarely happens. I was trying out a new charcoal pencil, a Kuelox Charcoal pencil – 1803 Soft. I liked it a lot, the only negative is that the pencil is very hard to sharpen without shattering the compressed coal.
Rosa, the model is an ex-circus artist who is very strong, her figure is quite short and stocky. She’s a great model and I’ve been drawing her since the very start, but these days I tend to stretch her, I make her taller than she really is in my sketches. I guess it is to suit my ideal female form, it’s my artistic licence, sorry about that Rosa if you ever happen to stumble over this post.

5 minute sketch

2 minute sketch

5 minute sketch

10 minute sketch

10 minute sketch

5 minute sketch

5 minute sketch

5 minute sketch

2 minute sketch

5 minute sketch

2 minute sketch

2 minute sketch

2 minute sketch

David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting My Life Drawing Nude watercolor Watercolour

Sunday Nude

I spent the whole day yesterday drawing and painting. First I met up with fellow Stockholm – Urbansketchers. We gathered outside the library at Kulturhuset which is a large cultural centre in the middle of Stockholm. Later in the day some of us attended life drawing at Konstnärshuset,  this watercolour took 40 minutes. It was challenging because I had to paint wet on wet most of the time. I had to apply thick paint for the eyes, otherwise the damp paper would have blurred them out of recognition. If you would like to see my urban-sketches please visit here.
Sunday figure painting
David Meldrum Japan watercolor Watercolour

Memories from Japan

I was in Japan just after Christmas. I was visiting my son who has put down roots in Tokyo. It’s an amazing place. This watercolour was painted from a photo I took outside a bazaar in Nasukarasuyama north of Tokyo.

Arches rough 300g 50 x 32.5 cm

Japanese clay pots 50 x 32.5 cm

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Last Tuesday’s life drawing

I am having trouble finding good light to photograph my drawings at the moment. It is so grey and dark here in Stockholm these days. I hope the cold weather comes back, at least then we get clear blue skies.
The first two drawing show that I continue to experiment with lost and found areas. I wish to achieve this in my watercolours as well.

Five minute sketch on A3 paper

Two minute sketch on A3 paper

Five minute sketch on A3 paper

Three minute sketch on A3 paper

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing

Last life drawing from 2015

I’ve been so busy,  haven’t had time to publish on my blog recently. Life has settled down again so I hope to post a lot more often now.
A3 sketch December 2015
David Meldrum Sketch Watercolour

Christmas painting

We celebrated Christmas late into the night here in Brittany. It was real nice to go for a walk by the shoreline and sketch for a while. It was really windy but it was mild and never rained.

The view from Ploubazlenac. Arches Rough 300g 31 x 23 cm. 20151225


Anders Zorn David Meldrum Watercolour

Anders Zorn

I would like to paint portraits, at least I think I should. I think I could be quite good at them too but I am not sure because I haven’t done so many. The trick is to start. So this portrait of Swedish artist, Anders Zorn is just that, a start. At least it is a beginning, now all I have to do is improve upon it next time I paint a portrait.

Anders Zorn. Arches rough 300g 23 x 31 cm, W&N watercolour.
David Meldrum Sketch Watercolour

Sketches from my trip to France

I’m spending Christmas in Brittany, France this year. It’s milder than Sweden but it’s very windy. I like the change and also being able to paint outdoors.

Ploubazlanec, Brittany, France 20151220

Saint Brieuc, Brittany, France 20151219

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Tuesday’s life drawing

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm. 20151208

10 minute life drawing A3

5 minute life drawing A3

2 minute life drawing A3

5 minute life drawing A3

5 minute life drawing A3

5 minute life drawing A3

2 minute life drawings A3