David Meldrum Francis Bacon Portrait Watercolour

Not a very crispy Bacon

I scrubbed so much at this portrait, so it lacks magic, when will I ever learn, let the watercolour to do the work! Frustrating, but at the same time I learned a lot. Trying to do as many portraits as I can right now, I’m missing something, they are not like their owners. I hope by doing many, something will click and a light bulb will turn on.

Francis Bacon 23 x 30,5 cm, Fabriano fine grain – cold pressed 300g
David Meldrum

Self Portrait

This reminded me that I have a lot to learn. It’s too fresh for me to be critical of it. I’m working on a new self portrait already for tomorrow, it feels better but I haven’t started to paint yet, that’s the true test.

David Meldrum Elvis Costello Lunch Sketch Sketch

A portrait a day …

I’m trying to do one portrait a day right now. I like setting impossible goals. Let’s see how many days I manage. This one is of Elvis Costello, I didn’t get his eyes right, I don’t mind, it’s only practice after all. It’s more fun when drawings don’t become precious.

Elvis Costello

David Meldrum Portrait Sketch

Portrait practice

Not much to say about this portrait really, a beautiful face that I found while surfing the internet which in turn compelled me to draw. So I say thank you to however you are, you are an inspiration.

Portrait of a young woman by David Meldrum
A4 Portrait.

David Meldrum Norway Sketch Watercolour

Norway Part Two

I arrived back home yesterday evening from my week’s holiday in Norway. What an amazing place, I’ll visit again for sure. I didn’t paint much, there wasn’t time. At least I’ve learned how to travel for next time. One day on the road and the next behind my easel 🙂

Arches Rough 300g, W&N watercolour, 23 x 31 cm.

Molde, Norway. 

David Meldrum flowers Watercolour

More flowers

I am really happy with the top half of this watercolour, the bottom was difficult though, I had to correct my mistakes often. I’m not experienced at painting flowers, heck, I’m not experienced with watercolouring full-stop. I like the challenge though, trying new things, like cars, I’m not interested in speedy auto mobiles but I did enjoy trying to draw them, they where difficult, just like these flowers. Practice and learn, practice and learn…. 🙂

Watercolour flowers by David Meldrum
Watercolour flowers 19 x 28cm

David Meldrum Sketch Stockholm urban sketching

Sketching classic cars

Today I travelled from Söder in Stockholm on a 1938 Scania – Vabis nicknamed the “Bulldog”. Our destination was the “Gärdesloppet”, a large gathering of old vehicles held once a year. I had a fun day, I’m not mad about cars but I enjoyed seeing grown men’s faces light up with joy at the sight of an over-powdered American Cadillac. I spent a lot of time on the “Bulldog” touring around town on a beautiful sunny day.

Sketch by David Meldrum
A4 pencil sketch

Sketch by David Meldrum
A5 pencil sketch

Sketch by David Meldrum
A5 pencil sketch

David Meldrum flowers Watercolour

Japanese Flowers

I like painting flowers, after nudes I think painting flowers is my favourite. My preferences change like the wind though, next week it might be cows!

Japanese Flowers by David Meldrum
Japanese Flowers 23 x 30cm / 9 x 12″.  20140510
David Meldrum Egon Schiele Portrait

Portraits are hard to do

This is my second attempt at capturing Egon Schiele’s likeness. I knew shortly after starting that it would not be like him but I continued anyway practising my pencil shading. You may notice that my pencil technique changed a little if you compare the top of the illustration with the bottom. That’s because I watched a YouTube demonstration video on how to shade half way through the portrait (see below).

Egon Schiele – not!