David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude

Saturday’s life drawing

Venue: Basis, Stockholm, 20150307

I love the social aspect of going to Saturday life drawing at Basis. The people there are so warm and friendly. It’s a shame the lighting in the room is so bad, directional light is almost none existent. It gets better in the spring when natural light replaces the cold and cruel florescent tubes. I try not to let it affect me, this week I focused on line and detail – the shading was secondary. My bad period seems to be lifting, I feel more in harmony with my drawing. Grumpy artist, nothing worse.

10 minute nude, A4

10 minute nude

10 minute nude

2 minute nude

10 minute nude

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing

Ups and downs

Venue; Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, 20150303

I am struggling at life drawing at the moment. That’s the way it goes, up and down, great then bad. We even had a power-cut mid way through the last session, Had a great model but we were plunged into darkness during the coffee break and there was nothing else to do but go home early feeling a little bit depressed.
The good thing about a down period is that it is usually followed by an up.

Five minute nude by David Meldrum
5 minute nude

Five minute nude by David Meldrum
5 minute nude

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude

Life drawing

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm. 20150219

Tired model. An uninspired artist. Not too many good drawings produced at this session.
10 minute nude 20150219

5 minute nude 20150219
David Meldrum Sketch Watercolour

Nordic watercolouring

Last Friday we went fishing on a frozen lake in Ljungdalen in the north of Sweden. The ice was one metre thick and it took us 30 minutes travelling uphill on our cross country skies to reach the lake. I painted, the water froze and the colour pigment behaved very weird on my paper but as luck would have it, I brought along my new mini-gas-burner. The first watercolour caught fire briefly, the masking tape flamed up on me, you can see the burn on the right hand side of the first painting. It was zero to minus five that day, I had fun trying to do some watercolouring in very extreme conditions. 🙂
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden. by David Meldrum
Ljungdalen, Sweden. Moleskin watercolour notebook 200g, 29 x 21 cm
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden by David Meldrum
Ljungdalen, Sweden. Moleskin watercolour notebook 200g, 29 x 21 cm

David Meldrum Painting on lake Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.

David Meldrum Painting on lake Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.

David Meldrum Painting on lake Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.

David Meldrum Painting on lake Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.

David Meldrum Painting on lake Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.
Öjön, Ljungdalen, Sweden.
David Meldrum Still life Watercolour

Mini Still lifes

I was cross-country skiing in the mountains near Norway last week.When my aching body was trying to recover in the evenings, I painted. Here are two little still lifes from the trip: 7,8 x 11,5 cm.

Still life #1 
Still life #2

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes

Tuesday’s life Drawing

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, 20150217

We had a new model, she is from Catalonia and is a circus artist. It’s always enjoyable with a new model, it takes time to get to know how to draw his or her form.

Ten minute nude

Ten minute nude

Five minute nude

Five minute nude

Two minute nude

Two minute nude

Five minute nude
David Meldrum Watercolour

Thank you for the flowers …

Thank you for the flowers Berit and Pierre.

Lillies, Fabriano GF 300g, 30x40cm 
David Meldrum Watercolour

Island fishing

Not much to say about this painting, it’s partly from a photograph and partly from my imagination. I am producing a lot of work right now, the quality may not be 100% but I feel it’s important to just paint and paint a lot, I’m learning at a very fast rate because of this. The original size was a lot larger but I cropped it as it lacked compositional impact. It is now 17 x 12cm in size on Fabriano GF 300g paper.

A painting of Island fishing by David Meldrum
Island fishing. Fabriano GF 300g paper. 17 x 12cm  
David Meldrum Watercolour

Party tulips

I had a party at the weekend for my friends from Life Drawing and Urban Sketchers. It was a great evening and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves immensely. We were given lots of flowers which was ideal for painting afterwards.

Tulips. Arches rough 300g, 28.5 x 38.5cm 20120212