David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing

Saturday’s life drawing

Venue : Basis, Stockholm 20151017

A4 two minute nude

A3 ten minute nude

A4 two minute nude
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Life drawing

20151014. Location: Master Olofsgården, Old Town, Stockholm.

This life drawing session was in the middle of the day. Normally I can’t go because of having to work, but now I only work 50% so suddenly I have more time to paint and draw, heaven!

A3 paper. 15 minute sketch

A3 paper. 10 minute sketch

A4 paper. 5 minute sketch
A4 paper. 5 minute sketch

A4 paper. 2 minute sketch

David Meldrum Watercolour

Never throw away a painting

I was about to trash a large painting when I thought to myself, maybe I can cut it up into smaller pictures. So I cut out two, one I liked and one I didn’t.

Part of a failed painting. 19 x 29 cm Arches rough.

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Better late than never

Yeap, it’s been a few weeks since I last published. I have a good excuse though, my son was visiting, he lives in Tokyo so it was real nice spending some time with him. I plan to visit him in January, I can’t wait, I’ve never been to Japan.

Here are my life drawings dated 20151010. Location: Basis, Folkkungagatan, Stockholm

Ten minutes on A3 paper

Ten minutes on A3 paper

Three to Five minutes on A3 paper

Two minutes on A4 paper

Two minutes on A4 paper

Two minutes on A4 paper

David Meldrum Sketch Watercolour

Sailing back to the winter place

Today we sailed for five and a half hours to bring our boat back from the summer harbour. Tomorrow we take off the mast and next weekend the boat is lifted by crane onto land. The only thing left to do then is build a roof over the boat which will protect it from the harsh Scandinavian winter weather, I look forward to the spring already. For the record, it was damn cold sailing today, thankfully the sun came out at half time to warm us up a little, I used a gas burner to dry the paper in between washes.

21 x 15 watercolour journal. 100% cotton  300gsm Clairefontaine

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketches

Life drawing

Tuesday’s figure drawing at Konstnärshuset, Stockholm.

Five minute nude

Two minute nude

Two minute nude

Two minute nude

Two minute nude

Two minute nude

Five minute nude

Five minute nude

Five minute nude
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Sketch

Different treatment

I held my pencil right at the end of the shaft. I kept my arm totally straight while my sketch pad was down on the floor while I sat. Interesting results I think, quite lively.
Basis, Stockholm 20150919

Two minute pose

Two minute pose

Two minute pose

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

After the summer break

I started life drawing again after the summer break.
Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, 20150915

Five minute nude

Ten minute nude

Two minute nude

Two minute nude

Five minute nude.

David Meldrum lunch watercolour Watercolour

Two quickies

Here are two quick watercolours I did during the last month.

Seascape 20150813, 11,5 x 7,8 cm, Fabriano fne grain 300g

Trawler 20150912 11,5 x 7,8 cm, Fabriano fne grain 300g