David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting My Life Drawing Nude Sketch Watercolour

Just one this time

It was a lean evening at life drawing last night. I only managed to produce one sketch that I was reasonably happy with. This means the next life drawing session can only be better. Something to look forward to  ðŸ™‚

Watercolour nude 20131023 by David Meldrum
Watercolour nude 20131023. Canson 200g, 24 x 32 cm ( 9 3/8 x 12 1/2″)

David Meldrum Sketch SketchCrawl Urban Sketchers Watercolour

World SketchCrawl day today

It was World SketchCrawl Day today and I met up with Nina Johansson to sketch at The City Museum (Stadsmuseet). The watercolour below was sketched from a third-floor window overlooking “Slussen” in Central Stockholm. It was a beautiful autumn day but too cold for us to be outside sketching.

Watercolour sketch by David Meldrum
Slussen 2013.10.19

David Meldrum figure painting My Life Drawing Nude Watercolour

Trying to change direction …

I don’t watercolour as much as I’d like to. I’m going to try paint for an hour or so after each evening meal. Go to less to life drawing evenings, I need to sit down and paint, practice and paint. Play, I need to have fun too, very important that.
Here are some recent watercolours and yes, they were fun to do. The first wash was done at life drawing and the darker tones where added later.

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Sketch

My brush stood still …

My father passed away on the 29th September, it was a sad moment and I joined my family in grief. I am only now starting to find some form of normality,  returning to a sense of balance which allows me to focus on positive moments like my art once again. Here are a few life drawings I did a few weeks back, I enjoyed having only six pastels and a charcoal pen to work with.

Nude by David Meldrum

Nude by David Meldrum

Nude by David Meldrum

SFBT-3 Artist Mannequin Figure review

Visit here to see full review of this amazing mannequin. From CrabFu Blog


Two hours too much

Still having problems painting a nude in the same position for two hours. I am using Arches 300g, rough watercolour paper and haven’t gotten used to it yet. It takes the pigment so well and dries so slow, I need to adjust. I can also blame myself for my lack of skill. Here are two preliminary sketches I did before getting it wrong with the watercolour.

Sketch by David Meldrum

Sketch by David Meldrum
David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting My Life Drawing Sketch

Tuesday’s life drawing

Another enjoyable session at Konstnärshuset here in Stockholm.  One colleague asked if I would paint one more watercolour wash after getting home. The sketches would look more complete but then again I probably would loose the freshness. I chose to leave them alone.

Nude by David Meldrum 20130917
10 minute nude

Nude by David Meldrum 20130917
5 minute nude

Nude by David Meldrum 20130917
5 minute nude

Nude by David Meldrum 20130917
5 minute nude

Nude by David Meldrum 20130917
5 minute nude

Nude by David Meldrum 20130917
2 minute nude

Nude by David Meldrum 20130917
2 minute nude


My latest sources of inspiration

I bought these DVDs by Herman Pekel and Alvaro Castagnet last week. They are great, their styles are similar, loose and full of expression. I’m not so sure I want to be so free but then again maybe I am heading that way, who knows. Very busy at work at the moment, not much time to paint. I’m looking forward to having more time again at the end of the month.

David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting My Life Drawing Nudes

Feels Good

Here is a selection of watercolour and pencil sketches from my life drawing evening at Konstnärshuset, Stockholm. I hope to transfer the energy and freshness of these sketches into my paintings which are all too often, stiff and laboured.

Ten minute nude. 20130910

Five minute nude. 20130910

Five minute nude. 20130910
Ten minute nude. 20130910
Two minute nude. 20130910

Two minute nude. 20130910