David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes

Extreme Life Drawing

Ten ‘two minute’ life drawing poses in a row, I’d call that extreme, extreme fun.
The coloured sketch with pastels took ten minutes. It was nice to be back at Basis here in Stockholm, we were thirty people and the atmosphere was pleasant as usual.

2 minute nude by David Meldrum
2 minute sketch, A3

2 minute nude by David Meldrum
2 minute sketch, A3

2 minute nude by David Meldrum
2 minute sketch, A3

2 minute nude by David Meldrum
2 minute sketch, A3

2 minute nude by David Meldrum
2 minute sketch, A3

10 minute nude by David Meldrum
10 minute sketch, A3

Lars Lerin Video

Lars Lerin Museum in Karlstad, Sweden + more

I think Lars Lerin is one of the more interesting Watercolourists here in Sweden. Here is a playlist containing several films about him. I haven’t visited his museum yet but I will do one of these days.

David Meldrum figure painting Nude Watercolour

Bringing Arches watercolour paper down to size

I recently bought Arches watercolour paper. Each time I try to paint on it I get cramp, I find it almost impossible to relax. Why? Because I have such a respect for the beautiful 300g rough cotton paper. I finally worked out the solution to my problem, I simply chop up the paper into smaller pieces and in doing so I make the paper less precious. Now I am not afraid to make mistakes, now I can experiment and learn. You wouldn’t believe what a relief this is to me. I’m just another artist with mental problems!

Watercolour nude by David Meldrum
A4 Nude on Arches 300g rough paper. 

David Meldrum Francis Bacon Gustav Klimt Sketch

Learning to be patient

To be patient, to spend hours on one drawing or painting; it is certainly something that does not come naturally to me. These two small sketches are exercises in extending my length of focus on one drawing. It is
not so hard really, I was relaxed and I listened to Bach playing serenely in the background, the minutes flew by. It is creating time to achieve this which is the hardest art to master. If my life resembled a tightly packed suitcase, then something would have to be discarded in order for me to make room for my art. The question is what?

Sketch of Gustav Klimt by David Meldrum
Gustav Klimt – Fabriano A5 paper, 14.8x21cm

Sketch of Francis Bacon by David Meldrum
Francis Bacon – Fabriano A5 paper, 14.8x21cm

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude pastels Sketch

A3 figure drawing from Tuesday’s session.

Most of these were five minute sketches using pastel and synthetic charcoal.

Nude 30x42cm, 11.5×16.5″

Nude 30x42cm, 11.5×16.5″

Nude 30x42cm, 11.5×16.5″

Nude 30x42cm, 11.5×16.5″

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Sketch

A5 pastel nudes from Tuesday’s life drawing session.

These were two minute sketches using pastels and a synthetic charcoal pencil.

Two minute nude, 14x21cm, 5.5×8.5″

Two minute nude, 14x21cm, 5.5×8.5″

Two minute nude, 14x21cm, 5.5×8.5″
Two minute nude, 14x21cm, 5.5×8.5″
Two minute nude, 14x21cm, 5.5×8.5″

Not so easy!

It is difficult to find time for my art right now, it has been a busy autumn. I find it frustrating, if I could slow down the rotation of this planet I would; then there would be at least 36 hours in every single day!
David Meldrum Sketch


The great thing about learning to watercolour is the discovery that other mediums like pastels are much easier to use! I wonder why watercolour isn’t held in as high regard as say, oil or even acrylic painting, it is such a hard medium to master.

I bought some pastels yesterday, I plan to use them at Life Drawing classes for a few weeks as watercolouring is too stressful for me at the moment. The sketch below was done in about 15 minutes on A3 paper, it was fun to try something new.

I looked at a potential Ateljé /Studio today in Solna, Stockholm. I want to take the next step in my personal development as an artist. I said I’m interested so I hope I get a space there. I’ll find out in a couple of weeks. Exciting.

A3 pastel sketch by David Meldrum, 20131027
A3 pastel sketch

figure painting Nude Watercolour Wendy Artin

Wendy Artin’s Watercolour nudes

I stumbled over Wendy Artin’s Watercolour nudes today. There are not many good figure painters who use watercolour as their chosen medium . I am happy to have discovered her work and have bookmarked her as a source of inspiration. You can visit her web site here.

Nude by Wendy Artin
Nude by Wendy Artin