David Meldrum Sketch Stockholm urban sketching

Social sketching

Normally, for the last few weeks at any rate, I have been alone sketching each day at the Central Station here in Stockholm. Last Sunday was a different story though, because seven other urban-sketchers joined me for an afternoon of sketching at the station. We are all members of a group called “Skissa i Stockholm” which translated means – Sketching in Stockholm. Anyway, fun that so many turned up. It was a lovely afternoon. The coffee break taking up a large chunk of the available time, but that’s normal. We artists love to talk about our pencils! If anyone in Stockholm would like to join our group, please do let me know, “the more the merrier”, as they say.

Albert & Jack's by David Meldrum
Albert & Jack’s, Central Station, Stockholm

David Meldrum Portrait Watercolour

Lunch time portrait of Frida

As usual, I’m not totally happy with my effort but I’m not totally disappointed either. I spent three half-hour lunch breaks painting her in total. Painted on Fabriano 50% Cotton paper, 23x30cm.

…After thought:
Looking at the portrait again the day after, I have to admit that I am happy with the result. I should not really comment on my work until at least 24hrs have passed.

Frida Kahlo de Rivera by David Meldrum - 20140128
Frida Kahlo de Rivera – 20140128
David Meldrum figure painting My Life Drawing Nudes Sketches

Saturday’s Life Drawing

Location: Basis, Stockholm

Great model, the same girl as last weekend. I was not really in good shape physically but I managed to produce a few decent sketches. If you don’t feel good, it’s hard to be good!

Nude by David Meldrum
10 minutes

Nude by David Meldrum
15 minutes

Nude by David Meldrum
5 minutes

Nude by David Meldrum
3 minutes

David Meldrum figure drawing kroki My Life Drawing Nude

Tuesday’s Life Drawing

Location: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm

These days I am very focused on capturing the contour of the figures I draw, I want to improve my ability to judge distance at speed, shading is secondary but enjoyable if time permits.

Sketch of female nude by David Meldrum
10 minute sketch on A4 Fabriano paper

Sketch of female nude by David Meldrum
5 minute sketch on A4 Fabriano paper

Sketch of female nude by David Meldrum
5 minute sketch on A4 Fabriano paper

Sketch of female nude by David Meldrum
2 minute sketch on A4 Fabriano paper

David Meldrum Sketch Stockholm urban sketching Watercolour

Central Station Watercolour Sketch

I keep reminding myself it’s a sketch and not a painting. So as a sketch, I’m happy with it. Setting the tonal values for a scene was more difficult than I thought it would be, something for me to practice – definitely.

A4 Moleskin watercolour notebook, 200g.

David Meldrum Sketch urban sketching Watercolour

Work in progress …

I will finish this tomorrow morning. Today I focused on the light and mid-tones. One never knows if a watercolour will be a success or not. The foreground figures will be dark in tone, it will be exciting to see what develops …

Central Station – Work In Progress


David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude

Keeping it simple

Location: Basis, Stockholm

I just had an A4 block of Fabriano paper, a pencil and two CretaColor pencils. It means I am more relaxed when I draw, saying that, I would not mind doing some watercolour sketches at life drawing soon. I just wish there where more 15 minute poses, that is a good length of time to sketch and paint a nude.

15 minute nude by David Meldrum
15 minute nude.

10 minute nude by David Meldrum
10 minute nude.
2 minute nude by David Meldrum
2 minute nude.

David Meldrum Sketch Stockholm urban sketching

One interesting week at Central Station

The homeless, hopeful immigrants, tired commuters and friendly train station employees, all these interesting people I encountered during my first week at the Central Train Station. It was truly a wonderful experience and so I plan to continue getting up an hour earlier even next week and spend 60 minutes achieving something that I would normally only contemplate. Crazy stuff!
Today I spent time working out how to paint a watercolour which I will complete on Monday. I plan to paint the foreground figures quite dark and the background fairly light. The person walking through the arch being the focal point. It usually goes to hell after a brush stroke or two, but that is why watercolouring is so entertaining. The other sketch was a winding up exercise, I had 15 minutes before the train came, so I sketched, what else is there to do in a train station!

Sketch at Central Station, Stockholm by David Meldrum
Pencil sketch at Central Station, Stockholm

Sketch at Central Station, Stockholm by David Meldrum
Uncompleted watercolour of Central Station

David Meldrum Sketch Stockholm urban sketching

Going soft at Central Station

If one cares to look at my drawings from a few years back one can see I used outlines as a rule. I think when one is unsure one uses an outline as a form of familiar security, like filling in the dots, a, b and c. I’ve been trying to break away from this for ages, it’s not easy when one has used it for a life time. That’s why I like watercolour so much, it does not like to stay within the any lines I put down. This morning I focused on tone and not line, I realize that if I’m ever going to be a good painter I’ll have to master tone and composition, both of which I’m studying at the moment.

Sketches from Central Station by David Meldrum
Central Station

Sketches from Central Station by David Meldrum
Reading the sign