David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Nudes Sketch

Lars the Body Builder

Location: Basis, Stockholm, 20140215

I’ve drawn Lars many times. He is fun, he has a name for each of his poses, like the ones below: “The Base Ball Player”, “The Prisoner”, “Björn Borg” and “The Egg”. I cannot remember the title of the first pose unfortunately.

Male nude by David Meldrum
Ten minutes

Male nude by David Meldrum
Ten minutes

Male nude by David Meldrum
Two minutes

Male nude by David Meldrum
Two minutes

Male nude by David Meldrum
Ten minutes

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Nudes Sketch

Tuesday’s Life Drawing

Location: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, 20140211

Today I improved some of the sketches I did at yesterday evening’s life drawing session, the first drawing especially, it was originally just a two minute sketch with little detail. I enjoyed finishing it and adding some design into the mix.

Two minutes plus ten

Ten  minutes

Two minutes

Five minutes + two

Charles Reid David Meldrum Portrait Watercolour

Dear Charles,

“Dear Charles Reid, sorry for painting you in such a way that you look like you just survived a bar fight.”

Yes, too much red but I still enjoyed this lunch time watercolour. I used Arches 300g NOT paper, 18 x 26 cm.
Charles Reid by David Meldrum
Charles Reid – Watercolour Artist and Teacher
Karl Mårtens Stockholm Watercolours

Karl Mårtens – A Quest For The Unexpected

I bought this wonderful book by Karl Mårtens at, Konst & Folk Gallery. I really like karl’s approach to watercolouring, a mixture of Zen Buddhism, Scandinavian simplicity, Japanese calligraphy and natural artistic talent. I had a look around on the internet and have not found it so you’ll need to visit the gallery if you want to buy it.

Visit Karl Mårtens website here.

The Gallery address is:
Konst och Folk
Hornsgatan 32-34,
11820 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 644 60 60

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Nudes Sketch Sketches

The less time the better

Honestly, the more time I spend on a drawing the more I wreck it with uncertainty. Keeping it pure isn’t easy after two minutes. This is why I haven’t shown any of my drawings that were longer that two minutes this time around.

Nude by David Meldum
Two minutes

Nude by David Meldum
Two minutes

Nude by David Meldum
Two minutes

Nude by David Meldum
Two minutes

Nude by David Meldum
Two minutes – plus a little more shading

How to pass time on the train

I found this while wasting time surfing, it made me smile.
Click here to view the Tumblr page full of these wonderful images.
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Nudes Sketch

Struggle and reward

Location: Könstnärshuset, Stockholm, 20140204

It was a struggle to begin with, I have not drawn a male model for a while and so the muscular torso threw me at the start. He was a dancer, skinny, with small butt and bird-like legs. After a few drawings I started to tune in to what I was seeing. I think I’m drawing lines at a slower pace these days, I look often at the subject as I draw the contour. I think that is key, draw what you see and not what you think you see. Anyway, I got a lot of satisfaction out of yesterday evening.

Male nude by David Meldrum
Ten minutes
Male nude by David Meldrum
Five minutes
Male nude by David Meldrum
Five minutes
Male nude by David Meldrum
Two  minutes
Male nude by David Meldrum
Five minutes
Male nude by David Meldrum
Ten minutes
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketches

Madame Flex

Location: Basis, Stockholm, Saturday, 20140201.

Saturday’s model was incredible in the way she could flex and bend her body into the most impossible positions. What was even more impressive was the fact that she could hold these poses for ten minutes without much effort. She left us feeling exhausted after trying to work out the lines of her anatomy during the two hour session. It was fun.

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Two minutes

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Two minutes

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Two minutes

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Between five and ten minutes

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Ten minutes

Figure drawing by David Meldrum
Two minutes

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nudes Sketches

A favourite of mine

Location: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm

It is always easier to sketch when one enjoys the subject that one is trying to capture on paper. This was the case for me yesterday evening when I drew one of my favourite models.

Nude by David Meldrum
5 minutes

Nude by David Meldrum
5 minutes

Nude by David Meldrum
5 minutes

Nude by David Meldrum
5 minutes