David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting My Life Drawing Nude Nudes Sketch

Delayed post

Venue: Basis, Stockholm, 20140329

I was meant to post these sketches over a month ago, I thought I would add a little more detail before publishing. But life has a habit of getting in the way of my art, like this weekend for instance; I had to put my sailing boat in the water and put on the mast and so on. I don’t mind, I enjoy sailing but I want to watercolour more! I don’t have a bad life, if this is my biggest crisis …

Nude by David Meldrum
Nude one

Nude by David Meldrum
Nude two

Nude by David Meldrum
Nude three …

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude Nudes Sketch

A new life drawing model

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm. 20140429

It is always nice to have a new model. This lady was a wonderful challenge to draw, she’s from the States I believe, her poses were beautiful.

Nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute pose

Nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute pose

Nude by David Meldrum
Five minute pose + a little extra

Nude by David Meldrum
Five minute pose

Nude by David Meldrum
Two minute pose

Nude by David Meldrum
Two minute pose

David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting My Life Drawing Nude Nudes Sketch Watercolour

Saturday’s life drawing.

Venue: Basis, Stockholm. 20140426

Our model this week was a lady called Kinna. She was excellent at holding elegant and interesting poses. I only wish my sketches could have caught her beauty better. Next time…

Nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute nude.

Nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute nude

Nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute nude

Nude by David Meldrum
Two minute nude

Nude by David Meldrum
Two minute nude

Nude by David Meldrum
Five minute nude

David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting Male My Life Drawing Nude

Camp challenge

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm. 20140422

It took me a while to get used to this model, I’ve drawn him once before a long time ago. The challenge was to draw his effeminate form and posturing while keeping him masculine at the same time, like I said, it was difficult.

Watercolour male nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute pose, please click to enlarge on your screen.

Watercolour male nude by David Meldrum
Five minute male nude

Watercolour male nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute pose

Male nude by David Meldrum
Three – five minute sketch

David Meldrum Sketch SketchCrawl urban sketching

Urban Sketching in The Suburbs

Yesterday was the 43rd World SketchCrawl. A sunny day was had in the suburbs of Stockholm with fellow urban sketcher, Nina. Skärholmen central square. We had a lot of fun even if we had a very persistent drunk yapping profanities into ours ears for what seem like several hours.

Sketch by David Meldrum
SketchCrawl #43 , Skärholmen, Stockholm

Sketch by David Meldrum
SketchCrawl #43 , Skärholmen, Stockholm

David Meldrum Horse Watercolour

My first horse

It was easier than I thought it would be, my first horse. I used a photograph as reference and used both, masking fluid and white gouache for the details.  The paper is Arches, 300g, rough, 19 x 28 cm. I enjoyed painting a four legged creature instead of two, I therefore plan to paint more horses in the near future.

Watercolour horse by David Meldrum
Click on image to enlarge.

David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting My Life Drawing Nude Nudes Watercolour

Finding inspiration

Venue: Basis, Stockholm. 20140412

Some models don’t inspire me, I guess this is normal.
I am learning to look beyond the first impression and find details or executions that excite. Drawing and painting improves when you take a second look it seems.
(  I later spent some time adding extra detail and tone to these sketches. )

David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting My Life Drawing Nude Nudes Watercolours

Becoming more consistent …

Venue; Konstnärshuset, Stockholm. 20140408

I seem to be producing a steady flow of figurative watercolours that I am happy with these days. I hope I continue being so happy with myself even next week…

Nude by David Meldrum
Five minute watercolour nude 

Nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute watercolour nude 

Nude by David Meldrum
Five minute watercolour nude 
Nude by David Meldrum
Two minute nude

David Meldrum figure drawing figure painting My Life Drawing Sketch

Good period …

Venue: Basis, Stockholm. 20140405

I seem to be going through a relatively good period right now, at least that is the way it feels. We had the same model as last Saturday, I think her name is Mia, she’s been modelling for 50 years which is pretty amazing. She lacks hair because of chemotherapy, yeap, she’s pretty special.

Nude by David Meldrum
A4, 15 minute watercolour nude. 

Nude by David Meldrum
A4, ten minute watercolour nude. 

Nude by David Meldrum
A4,  two minute pencil nude.