David Meldrum Watercolour

The island of Kökar, Åland

A little A5 watercolour from my holiday on Kökar, Åland which is located west of Finland.

Kökar, Åland – A5 Fabriano Artistico GF 300g/m2

David Meldrum Watercolour

Roses are red…

Roses are red…

… and my face was even redder trying to capture the beauty of this flower.

Brittany Rose by David Meldrum
Brittany Rose

David Meldrum Stockholm Town Hall urban sketching Watercolour

Daring to be bad

Like most people I find losing control uncomfortable. In order to re-school myself I feel the need to let go and see what happens. I think the result of this letting go can be exciting but not always pretty. A few years ago I would never have painted like this, messy, sloppy and careless. I find the process of personal – development so interesting.

Stockholm Town Hall by David Meldrum
Stockholm Town Hall – A4ish Arches Rough 300g/m2

Stockholm Town Hall by David Meldrum
Stockholm Town Hall – A4ish Arches Rough 300g/m2

David Meldrum Sketch urban sketching Watercolour

I don’t always succeed ..

I returned to Kungsträgården, the park in central Stockholm to paint a café scene one more time. I was less successful than the previous attempt and I know why. The main figure is too much in the centre of the composition and the brush strokes feel hesitant. I understand my failings these days, so at least that is a step in a forward direction.

Kungsträgården 20140805

David Meldrum Sketch urban sketching Watercolour

Summertime in Stockholm

The weather here in Stockholm has been amazingly warm, it feels like the Mediterranean! This watercolour sketch was done while I was on my way home from work yesterday. I stopped in the city square called, Kungsträgården and painted the café-life I saw in front of me.

Kungsträgården café, 20140803
Misulbu watercolor Watercolour

South Korean artist, Misulbu

I found some amazing watercolour portraits on this artist’s website. Visit:






David Meldrum Sketch

Back to basics

I have never learnt the basics of art, like composition and colour theory. I am studying them now though, I bought a bunch of books. It’s a must if I am going to master this art thing! I’ve never used grids either until last week, it’s very useful, I tend to elongate my faces when drawing portraits, the grid system helps stop this a lot. I’m still learning so much, even today, three years after starting to draw and paint again.

Elvis C.
David Meldrum Sketch Watercolour

More impressions from my balcony

Geranium impressions 20140720

David Meldrum Sketch Stockholm Watercolour

Sketching in the archipelago ( 20140717 – 18 )

Sketching in the archipelago  ( 20140717 )

Sketching in the archipelago  ( 20140717 )
Sketching in the archipelago  ( 20140718 )