David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing

Tuesday’s life drawing.

Life drawing at, Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, 20141115

I’m struggling to publish my work at the moment, too busy having fun for the most part. I shouldn’t complain and I won’t.

Five minute nude

Five minute nude

Five minute nude

Two minute nude

Five minute nude

Two minute nude

David Meldrum

Low key lunchtimes

As I’ve mentioned before, I work as a Web Designer and therefore find it hard to find time for my watercolours. I try my best to paint each lunchtime, it’s not a bad time format, 30 – 45 minutes means I have to keep it simple. I tend to produce my best work when I have limited time to complete it.

I am able to raise my desk to a comfortable standing position, my two computer screens hide my easel nicely from passing workmates, the light on the left is a daylight lamp, on the right I have a paper cup for water, a sponge, Winsor &Newton whole pans and travel brushes. I don’t advertise to my workmates what I do during my lunchtime (but I do use a hair dryer!), of course anything that is a little odd in an office is news and therefore knowledge of my activities has surely spread.

My lunchtime-workstation

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing

Short visit to life drawing

I had to leave early from last Saturday’s life drawing at Basis here in Stockholm. It wasn’t all bad news though, I left to visit an amateur classical music event and sketched there instead! I’ll publish some of them at a late date.

Two minute nude, “Action Björn”.

David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Nude

Life drawing last Tuesday

I haven’t been able to post on my blog for a while because of workloads and colds etc. I have also been painting and drawing more than usual, but this is a good excuse not to post on one’s blog! Hopefully in the next couple of days I will publish the backlog of work that has accumulated.

These life drawings were done at, “Konstnärshuset” Stockholm 20141111.

Ten minute nude

Ten minute nude

Five minute nude

Five minute nude 

Two minute nude 

Two minute nude 
David Meldrum Watercolour

Mastering the sea and the sky

I paint almost everyday and it’s mostly the sea and the sky at the momnet. Each time I paint, I feel just a little more confident, and that is a very satisfying feeling indeed.

Cruising in the archipelago by David Meldrum
Cruising in the archipelago

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Watercolour

Friday’s lunchtime watercolour

It was a productive week, I managed to paint a watercolour each lunchtime for a whole week. It feels real good to have achieved this. I learn something new each time, which means I am learning at quite a pace.
I  spent thirty minutes painting Friday’s effort and I  later spent ten minutes adding highlights and darks at home during the weekend.

Archipelago by David Meldrum
Archipelago, Arches 300g, 31 x 23cm.

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Watercolour

Thursday’s lunchtime watercolour

I spent thirty to forty five minutes on this during my lunch break. I added some highlights and darks when I came home from work.

Morning mist by David Meldrum
Lunchtime watercolour, Arches 300g, 31 x 23cm.

David Meldrum Lunch Sketch Watercolour

Wednesday’s lunchtime watercolour

It’s not often that I am happy with my work but this one was an exception.

Time for thought by David Meldrum
Lunchtime watercolour, Arches 300g 21 x 31cm
David Meldrum figure drawing My Life Drawing Sketch

Tuesday’s life drawing

Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, 20141104

My sketches from this week’s life drawing.

Nude by David Meldrum

Nude by David Meldrum

Nude by David Meldrum

Nude by David Meldrum

Nude by David Meldrum